Rachel Wright...It's all about the boybands, baby!

Okay, so New Kids wasn't the bomb, and N Sync, BSB, and 5ive weren't the greatest thing since Pop Tarts, er, sliced bread, but now is the time for all hell to break loose!

Picture this: 5 hunky heartthrobs, radio waves being overtaken by pop music once again, new born girls popping out with I love Justin written up and down their arms, the world being reunited by a boyband reunion, all because of masterminds such as myself, Rachel Wright-Conlon, and my sidekick Jen Pearlman-Molina.

Now pinch yourself....no, you're not dreaming!! This is a dream come true, not only for girls, but for boys, and families! Our magic in the making will appeal to everyone on this great planet earth! No one in their right mind will be able to resist UFO!

Here is the lowdown on our plan-o-action, but keep it on the downlow, aight?

I was sitting around my shack thinking of the good ol days, when I owned the music industry with all my boybands, and lived in luxury, driving fancy sports cars, dining out every night with the rich and famous, and having people waiting on me hand and foot. Now my life is dull and my talents are useless. Sean (my hubby) went out for a night of action....hunting lightning bugs, since our electricity got shut off 3 nights ago. He promised to pick up some tasty night crawlers too for my special stew I make him...oh how he loves down home cookin. So anyhoo, I downed my third can of beanie weenies for the night and drank my sorrows away with some Hee-Haw. All of a sudden a light bulb went on in my head, something I hadn't experience in a great while...it surprised me so much I wet my pants, but you don't need to know anymore about that! So anyways, back to my lightbulb, I had a brilliant idea! Far better than ever before! Why not...bring back a member of the boyband of the past, to make the ultimate boyband of the future? Yeah, 1 member of each of the 5 old groups could perform, while the other old members worked behind the scenes as roadies, songwriters, choreographers and such?? I rang up my good friend from back in the day, Jen Pearlman-Molina (She married the former C-Note man, Raul). We put our heads together, and out popped UFO!

Oh, yeah, thrust it again!
TransVes Records