Hurricane Raul...He's a Fiesty One!

Justin's in the Benz sad!

Alright, here's the story. I was down in Florida on a...*ahem* stalking trip. Of course, me..being a master stalker...had it all planned out ahead of time. (Hey..I learned from the teenies..what can I say?! Lol) I got the main man Justin's address, and made the proper arrangements. Let's just say that I was a WIB...Woman In Black (ifyaknowwhatimsayin)...and was sitting outside Justin's house in my rapist van. Um..ok, so maybe I RENTED the house across from his so I could be near him and the Benz. But's all the same to me. (Money is NO object when it comes to my men!)

This is the house that I rented and watched Justy from...hehe, you don't think I would show you a picture of HIS house now did ya?

ANYHOW...I am sitting there watching his bedroom window (switching back and forth between that and the precious Benz sitting in the driveway)thru my night goggles, trying to catch a peek of my boy in his beater..or something less perhaps?! While switching my focus onto the Benz, I notice two girls popping a rim off the Benz with a crowbar. I zoomed in close with my night vision goggles as I notice that it is Wendi and Heather from Giddy for N Sync. I start dying laughing as I see Heather running down Justy's driveway after busting into his ride and strapping the bucket seat to her back. Before I could flag down the girls and invite them in to join me with my stalking, they were off...but only after grabbing handfuls of grass (?!?*don't ask...I didn't* lol) from his lawn.

So yeah...I am sitting there...watching, watching...watching some more. I am getting pretty bored here people! Then, it starts storming uncontrollably...kinda a freak thunderstorm type thing. The wind is blowing...the rain is pounding down so damn hard that I am having problems with my night vision peering into Justin's windows. Lol. I am actually starting to wonder if it's not some sorta hurricane that just sorta blew in off the gulf or something. (Hell, I am from IA...I don't know bout these ocean currents and could be a typhoon for all I know!) So...I decided to be creative, cuz I was so bored...and named the "hurricane". I decided a fitting name for the pissed off storm was Raul. I decided Raul fit, because my boyfriend Raul was pissed that I was in Orlando stalking Justin instead of being with him for some sweet sweet lovin at home. Lol.

ANYHOW...then it starts getting really bad. Lightening and wind is not a good combo...especially when you are a Mercedes Benz sitting near a tree. Justin must have noticed the torrential rains, and went out to pull his Beast into the garage before it got damaged. He ran outside, hopped in the Benz and started it up. (Me watching intently thru the night goggles the entire time) Then, God must have been sure pissed at Justin because a crack of lightening struck the large ass tree next to the Benz..and about half of the tree fell right down on top of that car. was a heavy ass limb...and it blocked his door. I first started laughing, but then I realized that this was my chance. Lol.

So running toward the front door, I threw off my sweatshirt (Those things get heavy in rain...and I had a tshirt on under it...duh people) to expose my NKOTB tshirt. So out I go running in Hurricane Raul to save Justin Timberlake in cutoff shorts and a NKOTB tshirt. Classic...really, let me tell ya. Anyhow, I race across the street to the Benz. I crawl under the massive branches of the damn tree to try to save my Justy, and peer in the window. He is sitting on the floor of the Benz...whimpering...partly because the tree branch ruined his damn car, and mostly because he was missing a rim and a bucket seat. Lol. So I fling open the door...after much struggling cuz of all the wet leaves in my face, and the branch being so strategically placed right in my reveal a very sad/scared Ju-Ju. First of all...I looked like hell on earth...I was wearing a wet NKOTB But he was so happy that I saved him from Hurricane Raul. So I conned him out of the car, basically by screaming in his face that the rain will NOT make his hair frizzy. We ran inside, he cried for awhile longer bout his Benz...I consolled him...and all was good. And THAT my dear friends, is my story bout Hurricane Raul. Lol.

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