What Would I Say?!

Well...as you all know, our Hawaii mission has a major purpose...in otherwards, a goal. Whatever it may be, my friend Kat and I were discussing what we will say when we encounter N Sync. We want it to be memorable, but don't necessarily want to jump on them like we were just released from the mental home. We thought about going the "OHMYGOD are you Nick Carter" route, but then I decided that Justin could NEVER be mistaken for Nick (or vice versa). So then I had a situation on my hands. So after talking things over, Kat came up with some stuff that started the wheels in my head turning, so I decided to share my ideas with you. So here goes.... (and if you steal our ideas we will have Toby kick you into next year...let's just say it won't be pretty)

First off, we will just run up to the guys, making a big deal. Kinda making them think that we are gonna be like...."OMYGOD, are you ______ (fill in name) from N SYNC?!?! I LOVE YOU GUYS!". But not so out of control hyper that Buscuit sits on us. (Ok, so Buscuit isn't their bodyguard, but that name makes me laugh so I use it...so get over it people). ANYHOW...we will proceed to run up to the guys. Kat will run up to Lance, Val --JC, and myself...J Dawg. So yeah...mission in effect as we attack.

Scenario 1: Kat runs up to Lance saying..."OHMYGOD, WHERE did you get that shirt? I absolutely love it. I HAVE to have one. Seriously dude, I gotta have it."

Scenario 2: Val runs up to JC screaming..."SMILE...please please smile!" When he does, Val pretends to faint. "Seriously, those are the most beautiful hamster teeth I have EVER seen. WHO is your dentist? I have to get an appointment with that cavity fighting, tooth whitening genius right away."

Scenario 3: I (Jen) races up to Justin, and begins inspecting his hair closely. (Well, as closely as I can, although I am tall, he is a giant.) After looking curiously at his brillo pad head, I will step back and start questioning him. "OHmygod, seriously...who does your hair? I was thinking about coloring mine, but I don't want to overprocess it. Have you had problems with yours like falling out or anything? Cuz I know that Justin Timberlake from N Sync has hair like yours and he is gonna have some serious hair loss if he doesn't tame down his dye-ing tendencies."

After we do that, we will probably get restrained from the bodyguards...OR possibly get laughed at by the guys. Hell, who knows, maybe they will think our idea was funny. Although JC might be offended by that hamster teeth comment. Oh well.

Thrust It Baby...OHH YEAH