World Cup Soccer: Biggest Rip Off Since the Pro Bowl

Hey ya'll. I just happened to have watched World Cup Soccer...and laughed my ass off. It was the most ghetto video footage since the Pro Bowl. We saw more of the funky lookin yellow things than we did of the boys. Besides the fact that they showed the video, starting in the MIDDLE of IWYB.

Alright, the only thoughts I had bout this 5 second clip of our boys were:

Number one: Why, in the last TWO of three television appearances has JC been wearing baby blue, and Justin been wearing yellow? Hm...I knew those two were a little too close. Sharing clothes now I see. I didn't think sharing was in Justin's nature, but I guess when you are threatened with a bun honk, it's just one of those things.

Secondly, DAMMMMMMMN Justin looked good. I see he is back to his roots. Meaning the was dark again. Very nice ma boy..I likes. :) Anyhow, I also liked the shades. Woobaby Justy.

Ok, that's it. Sorry it's not too funny guys, but I did the best I could with not much material to work with. Later kids...

Thrust It It Outta Here..I hate Bargain Basement Video Footage.