Happy Birthday To The Worlds Most Cherished Freeloader!

As you all know, or maybe didn't know and just really don't care, my one and only Stevie's birthday is the 15th. Aww, now I know he wishes that he could be here so I could assist him in celebrating this looooove-ely day. HOWEVER, he is with N Sync in Los Angeles, probably buying booze for Justin and stalking them with Joey's videocamera. (Ya know, the usual.)

I was sitting back the other day and reminiscing a bit at how we first met. (Do you remember...when we met...this summer?! Lol..a little Lyte Funkie Onez for ya.) Ahh it was...uhh...love (?) at first sight. *gag* I saw that big schnozz in a crowd full of teenyboppers, and just knew that he was the Italian for me.

Me and Stevie when we first met. I'm laughing cuz he's grabbing my ass, hence the cheesy grin on his..uh..handsome face. Lol.

Now, Steve, since it is your birthday I must dedicate a song to you. It's tradition among friends and lovers...so, enjoy: (it's only the partial song, I don't have all day to serenade you ya know. Sheesh.)

My friend's got a boyfriend, man she hates that d***

She tells me every day

He wants more dinero just to stay at home (or videotape people..whatever.)

Well my friend

You gotta say

I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way

Why don't you get a job

Say no way, say no way, no way

Why don't you get a job

Well I guess it ain't easy doing nothing at all

But hey man free rides just don't come along every day...

Now, wasn't that heartwarming? I know it really brought tears to my eyes, talking about my Stevie actually getting a job.

And, in closing, besides wishing my Stevie a happy ass birthday, here is the letter that I am giving to him. :)

Dearest Stevie,

You are so hot to trot, you make Justin look like Toby's ass. Ok, so maybe not really, but we'll pretend so that you can feel better about yourself. I know you must not have much self esteem because you chase your brother and the rest of his groupmates around with that videocamera glued to your eye. Have you ever thought about having that thing surgically attatched? That would free your hands to do other things...haha, ifyaknowwhatimsayin. So anyhow I just wanted to tell you that I can't wait till Hawaii. We can have sex on the beach together. (No you pervert, I meant the drink...you and your brother owe me and Val one anyhow.) So until then, aloha baby and have a happy birthday! ;)

Aww, one last picture of me and Stevie. This was AFTER he boob cammed me...sad really, but he's not much of a conversationalist, so I forgive him.

Happy Birthday...now take me home!