Summer Jams: Where JC Burps, and Justin's "ice cream" tastes the best.

Woohoo, Summer Jams just finished airing, and I am stillllll laughing. Hahahaha. Anyways, this is just a minor review until I can critique it up close and personal.

First off...I Want You Back. Could it get any MORE oversang? Also, love the K Mart special outfits guys. And according to Rachel, Lance was wearing questionable shoes. She bust out laughing and said, 'Is he wearing aquasocks?' It was hilarious.

Anyhow, then we have Joey with his hands full of food. Now, everyone says Joey isn't fat, and we have no reason to believe that he eats a ton of food. Well then WHY the hell does Transcon make him into a food grabbing piglet that could give Lou Pearlman a run for his money in a pie eating contest?

Then we have the song I Drive Myself Crazy. I really am getting annoyed with this song, but it makes me laugh so I can overlook the annoying parts. Did anyone else notice the sign girl? The sign said 'Chris you're a freak but we love you anyways'...or something like that. If I were Chris, I would regulate on her ass. Haha...whip those braids into a frenzy and you could have a weed wacker a lil damage. Haha. Then, besides the usual conducting...JC strained so hard on that one note, I thought he was gonna pop a freakin testicle. Now THAT would be pain inducing, don't ya suppose? Lol. And of course, who can forget the Ambiguously Gay Duo moment at the end. I STILL wonder why JC and Justin stand so damn close. I think JC is honking Justin's buns. that is what I would LOVE to see.

Then of course, N Sync as ice cream men. What was up with that? I about died of laughter when JC burped. Reminded me of the 'Gary Gross' skit off of MMC. Lovely..and SOO attractive. OH yeah..and did ya know Justin's "ice cream" tastes the best? I did not know that..but now I do. THANKS FOR SHARING. J/k. The little bow ties were pretty interesting though to say the least.

Then, at the end, we have Tearin Up My Heart. Nothing to interesting to comment on, besides the usual spanking. Rach says JC was doing this weird teeth thing. I have no idea...I try not to notice his teeth, but that's just me. Haha. Anyways..that's bout it. More coming soon kids.

Thrust It Outta The Hot Sun!