I Have Been To Teenybopper Hell and Back: Sweetstock II

What do you get when you have 2 hours of sleep, 12 hours in 85 degree heat, no food, barely any water, and 19, 999 other people? You get one really pissed off Jen. Lol.

*This is my (Jen's) perspective...Val's and Rachel will also have their views up. So be sure to check them out. Pics are coming VERY SOON!! As soon as Val gets back to good ole Cali!*

Hey guys...as you all know, I went to Sweetstock II yesterday. (It is an all day concert with several performers...kinda like a mini Woodstock. It was put on by the Omaha radio station Sweet 98.) Anyhow, let's just say that I will NEVER go through that torture again. Lol. First off, I got two hours of sleep the night before. I will spare you minor details of the long ass concert, and will just kinda tell ya what was interesting. K? So let's move along...

We get there, stake our spots next to this couple and their cute little 6 year old son. I look out into the crowd and spot someone with dyed blonde hair, deep tan, and extremely thin frame. I first thought it was Lynn Harless...but then realized it was just ANOTHER dyed blonde who has nothing better to do than to lay out. Lol.

The concert hadn't started yet when I decided to take a potty break. Val and I went up there, and we were on our way back to our seats when we spotted two really nice cars making their way through the people. I didn't think anything of it, but after they had passed enough for us to walk by, Val said, "That was B*Witched!". I turned around and saw Lindsay and Keavy in the last car. So that was a semi close encounter. Lol.

We had to keep fighting off the teenies all damn day. We were in the tenth row, right side, immediatly outside of the "mosh pit"...and people kept trying to sit on the damn bar. So I had to keep laying the smack down on them and finally didn't even care if they thought I was a pissy bitch. I was like, "You can't sit here, cuz I can't see. So move it." Aren't I mean? Lol.

Meanwhile, I was striking up conversation with the lady next to me. She was helping me lay the smack down, and was a huge Jordan Knight fan. She was like a hip hop dance instructor..so was really watching for dance moves. Her son was SOOOO cute, and she was telling me that he loves N Sync and BSB. She said he always tells her, "I wanna be a Backstreet Boy. I want to be Howie." She just shrugged and said, "With the dark eyes and hair, I suppose." I about burst out laughing, but I just said, "Ohhh, cute!" and smiled. Inside I was thinking, "Lady! Don't let the dark hair and eyes restrict him! All he needs is a perm, a dye job--or some yellow highlighter fluid, and some blue contacts. He's good to go!"

Nothing else really cool happened until I looked over at the fence later on. (Well besides the black guy that works selling N Sync merchandise being mesmerized by C Note. Lol...I even took a pic!) This one black guy was peering over the fence. He had a gangsta handkerchief tied on his head like Ja Rule from the "Can I Get A..." video. Anyhow, he would NOT stop staring at me, but I was also trying to figure out who he was. Later, when Coolio came out...THAT GUY CAME OUT TOO!! Lol. So later I took a pic when he was peering over the fence again. I also got an autograph on my Sweestock shirt from a guy that is in Coolio's new group that he started with these 4 guys called DVS. He was really nice. :)

Then, I was totally making fun of this girl who was like, "I got Steve Fatone's autograph!" Lol. I was like, you get autographs of famous people..not their brothers. I seriously (although I got that autograph of the guy from DVS--hey, he had a nice body! Woobaby!) don't understand the actual purpose of autographs. But then, I caught this guy out of the corner of my eye. He had a large nose ok? How could I not notice. Then I was like, "Hey, is that Steve Fatone?" He looked like Joey, but without facial hair...and a shaved head. Val was all, "Yeah it is". Then I was laughing so hard, and was like, "Someone come with me! I wanna talk to him. Hahahaha!"

NO ONE would come with me, so I took off thru the crowd toward Steve. I just walked up to him (he was talking to like 3 teenyboppers and a girl my age), and said, "Hi, are you Steve?". He goes "Yeah". I stuck out my hand, and go..."Hi, I am Jen...nice to meet you!" He shook my hand, and then I asked him how he was, blah blah blah. He had this ugly ass yellow sports watch on. This girl asked him what time it was, and he goes..."I don't even know what time it is. I set this, but I don't know what time it's set for. It's not Orlando time, I don't know what time it is!" I thought, you are the biggest dumbass I have ever met...I can see it runs in the family! Lol. So then I was thinking that I can't stand here and make conversation with this moron! So I told him that I had to go back to my friends, but asked if I could get a picture. So I got my picture with Steve Fatone. Woohoo...j/k. Lol. But hey, it gives me something to laugh about.

Look, it's me and my new husband/pimpin partner Steve!! Aren't we a cute couple?!?

N Sync finally came out after 45 min of waiting in suspense *yeah right*. While waiting, I was so pissed because I could hardly see cuz of the big blonde haired bimbo who thought the railing was her new seat. I was making comments like, "The guys are busy. Joey is whacking off, Justin is doing his hair, JC is shooting up, Chris is reweaving his dreds, and Lance is trying desperately to apply his eyeliner." Some girl screamed, "Where's Justin?" I was like, "He is having sex with Britney and he can't come yet. *then I realized what I said and finished the statement* OH! He just did, they should be out in a minute!" We tried to be all sneaky and videotape N Sync's performance, but got the film taken away. I got pissed, and since I couldn't see, gave Rachel my camera...told her to finish the film, and took off for the car.

On my way out, I saw this huge ass white limo. Just as I was approaching it, the driver got out, and opened one of the doors. I was like, "Woo, I wonder if that's N Sync's?!" So I quick said, "Hi! Is that N Sync's limo?" He was like, "Yeah" (he was really nice btw...didn't seem like I was bothering him...I think he knew I wasn't a teeny cuz N Sync was still performing.)So, me being curious, said, "Can I look inside it?" He said sure, so I peered in. Just for your information, there were no skanky Joey sluts waiting for them, there was just bags and stuff sitting in there.

So that is basically Sweetstock II. The drive home was hell! Since I had little or no sleep the night before, no food, barely any water, and a day full of sun...I was a little delirious. Let's just put it this way...I thought I saw a cow at the end of a driveway...it was a mailbox. We will just leave it at that. Lol.

*If anyone wants to know more bout the actual show, you can email me and let me know. Just put the subject as Sweetstock II...and email just_thrust_it@hotmail.com*

Val's Review!
N Sync Pics and More!
Thrust It To Me!

Email: just_thrust_it@hotmail.com