Thug Appeal...Who's REALLY Got It?

Aight, I know one thing that you have ALL been wondering about since the song came out is...HOW the hell did JC get that "thug appeal" solo instead of Justin? I mean, we all know that the ghetto dawg of N Sync should have gotten to sing it, rather that Mr. WWJD...right? Well, here at Just Thrust It...we are all about bringing you the inside scoop. So, we dug up a few old *tapes*...ya know, from when we planted a recorder on their bus...and listened for a few *ahem* HOURS. After coming across a whole lot of moaning...which I really don't WANNA know about, we finally stumbled along an interesting conversation between Justin and JC. Take a look...

Justin: Yo homeslice, wasup?

JC: Not much, I am just trying to figure out what WWJD bracelet goes well with my outfit for tomorrow.

Justin: Damn JC..why you always gots to wear on of 'dem? Makes us look all faggy and shit.

JC: Because Justin, if I wear these...then people will still think I am a God fearing Christian who never has sex, drinks, or uses drugs.

Justin: Haha, yo dawg, you might as well give up now. Everybody knows dat yous be gettin some bootay from dat scary lookin Bobbi chick. Wasup wit her hair anyhow...always lookin all greasy and shit.

JC: Bobbi does not look greasy, she is a fine specimen of a large chested, anorexic female that I so obviously love drooling over. Plus, she's the only one I could find that looks like she does more heroin than I do.

Justin: Yo dawg did you hear bout Blaque askin one of us to sing on 'der new album? Somethin bout "thug appeal" too. I am just waitin till they come knockin on my door. Cuz ya'll knows I am da one with da most thug appeal in dis bunch of white boyz.

JC: Actually Justin, they already asked me to sing it. And I agreed wholeheartedly...because, ya know, I have been known to have a little thug appeal myself.

Justin: *laughing hysterically* They asked YOU? *laughing so hard that he forgets about talking in ebonics* That is the funniest thing I have heard all damn day. You can't be serious. Yeah, you sure have a little thug appeal...and Brit DIDN'T get implants either.

JC: I do have thug appeal! *throws down the WWJD bracelets he was sifting thru and pouts*

Justin: Dawg, are da furthest thing from ghetto, next to Lance of course. *still laughing* So what do you have to sing in da solo anyhow?

JC: Well, some of it goes: *breaks into song*

Baby, What's the deal?

Would it be too forward if I told you how I feel

That's just the way I do my thang

I'm so for real

Are you feeling my timb's, my baggy jeans, my thug appeal

Do you like it when a man can keep it real, Ohhhh

Justin: Aww man, 'do your thang'? Hahahah, so tell me homeskillet, how do you do your thang? And wasup wit the timbs, baggy jeans, and thug appeal...yous just keepin it real huh dawg?

JC: *flustered* Well, I am not exactly sure what timbs are...and well, I don't know how I do my thang. Do you know what timbs are?

Justin: Yo, do I know what timbs are? You bet I do..any ghetto superstar knows what timbs are foo!

JC: What are they?

Justin: Man, dey gave you a solo dat dey shoulda given to dis brotha. I ooze thug appeal yo! I can beat box like nobody's business! And I ain't tellin ya what timbs are, you can just look all stupid instead. Makes me look betta yo. *turns and walks away*

Well, that's about how it went down. See, even JC doesn't know what timbs are. It's just one of lifes great mysteries. Who the hell knows.

Thrust It Outta This Ghetto!