Welcome to TransVes Records Inc.

You have reached the home of TransVes Records Inc. owned by Jen Pearlman-Molina, and Rachel Wright-Conlon. We are the creators/managers of the new boyband UFO (Ultimate Funky Ones) straight out of the pop music mecca of Orlando, FL.

These 5 talented guys are ready to throw the pop charts out of orbit when they release their self titled debut album in July of 2004.

The all new pop sensation includes several old favorites from the days when Teen Gods reigned supreme. Ultimate Funky Ones includes:

Justin Timberlake: Formerly of N Sync

Brian Litrell: Formerly of the Backstreet Boys

David Perez: Formerly of C Note

Jason (J.) Brown: Formerly of 5ive

Jeff Timmons: Formerly of 98*

*Keep checking back as UFO takes off!! More extensive updates coming soon!

Find out More bout Jen Pearlman-Molina
Find out More bout Rachel Wright-Conlon
Thrust It To Me Baby!