TRL Grammy Edition (Class of 1999)

I have one thing to say to all of the Fubu Drew (Dre) fans out there: CrUnK. They showed my favorite bodyguard on the red carpet bay-bee. Oh. Yeah.

Another thing, I am soooooooo happy that Justin knows just how good he looks as usual. When Ananda (nice outfit sweetie) says, "You guys look amazing!"...Justin just nods. "I know. I'm a sexxxy bitch. I'm sexier than Steve." Then he smiles, thinking: "I am so sexy that everyone here came to see JUST me. I am CrUnKer than Fubu Drew AND these four other schmucks. How can I possibly stand upright with this ego?"

Three words for ya Justin: Pathetic and self-absorbed. Lol.

Notice, when Britney Spears is talking inside with Carson...Chris is waving like a crack fiend in the background. Then Joey joins in...he's kinda like a little kid you know...always has to do what EVERYONE else is doing. He adds the ever original "Hi Mom" thing. I'm sure Phyllis watches TRL Joe. Steve is probably sitting on the couch in his underwear spacing off to animals mating on the Discovery there's no WAY she can get to the TV. Sheesh.

Then, of course, JC joins in and the three of them walk back and forth trying to take the little bit of spotlight that Britney has away from her. Not very nice...especially since they are all such GOOD friends.

When Chris and the guys are standing with Carson, why do they all think it's so damn funny when he starts out the clip with: 2, 1, and back to you..*pointing at Carson*. Honestly. It's not THAT funny. K?

One thing I've noticed about N Sync's wardrobe since they went to Jive is that they have three main staples and work off of that for EVERY interview. One: Leather (I ain't complainin', Two: Dark Denim, Three: Turtlenecks. But why must Joey always ruin it with his greazzzzzzzzy slicked back mess of a hairdo and his adoration for long ugly trenchcoats?

My favorite new quote? "We're award show prostitutes." from Justin...with an even BETTER reply by Carson, "You mean award show WHORES." Lol.

Notice when they are talking bout who they want to meet they all want to meet/talk to Jennifer Lopez. Why? She was dressed like the long lost Charlie's tealish blue pleather no less. Um..ew? Also take note: Hitler-like JC keeps getting interrupted. I can see the steam now.

Justin and Carson POWERS made an appearance: "It's true madness", "Yeah Baby". Puhleeze...can that phrase yeah baby be any MORE overused?

Carson rippin on Gloria "she's riding your coattails"...Justin defends her and then turns around and tries to conceal a laugh. HELLO. Carson's right. Although a good singer, she would have NEVER been invited to visit TRL if it weren't for N Sync. Lol. JC, not surprisingly, disappears from the screen as he scoots off laughing probably while doing his "Lord of the Dance on crack" move.

Oh wait! JC hasn't passed out from a crack attack just yet...he comes back to life to say in that most annoying voice of his, "I...LOVE...YOU GLORIA." Hi, my name is JC and drugs are should try them too! Disturbing.

***ONE last thing that I missed before! After they do the whole Goodfellas thing or whatever, JC goes running off again (this is after MOMH)...then he comes back, says WOW into the camera. WATCH him after he does his eyes. He has a crack fit right then and there. He like pops out of whatever he was in and it's HILARIOUS. Ahh the neverending entertainment that is JC.

Crunk Me Home Carson!