Viva Las Vegas!!

Oh man, I know what you people are thinking. Jen...getting in MORE trouble? First I better explain..

My Hawaii girls, along with some of THEIR homie' a trip to Viva Las Vegas. Anyhow, to make a very long story short, I couldn't go because of extreme lack of fundage. Well, about two weeks ago, one of the girls (who will remain nameless *coughKatchoke*)..slipped and told me about a little surprise that was being planned. Anyhow, so now..I know about it. Mah girls are springing for airfare for lil ole me and I get to join them in getting WILD on the infamous Vegas Strip!! (Can you say SWEETHEARTS?!?)

So this is sort of an announcement about our adventure, and if ANYONE has any info about where N Sync is staying...then give it to me baby. Lol. (We hope that maybe it's the MGM Grand, where *ahem* WE are also going to be residing at for a few days.)

Anyhoo, I will just be getting in mucho trouble with mah girls as sort of a bonding experience before Hawaii. Let's just hope I can stay out of jail...and I REALLY hope that I don't get sat on by Lonnie or Fat Albert or whatever the hell the other bodyguards names are. (Cuz that leaves me little recovery time before Hawaii...I need my strength.)

Oh yeah, one other thing that I was gonna let you in on the contents of my suitcase. I was a little overexcited and so I planned ahead on what to I'll share with ya'll.

A weedwacker to trim down Justin's mad fro.

Handcuffs to trick Stevie...lure him in with em and then cuff him to the bedpost as ransom.

ResEEEEEEEEEE's cups for JC.

Totally Toby lip color and nail polish to lure Lance in.

Strawberry flavored condoms to throw at Joey, with my phone number written on them, along with a ransom note for his brother.

Slut clothes that I borrowed from Britney Spears.

A rubber turkey for Chris (Don't ask, that was Val's cranked out idea...remember, she's a JC that explains things.)

Dr. Pepper flavored edible underwear for Lance to tempts Joey, and he likes it..that way. Ifyaknowwhatimsayin.

N Sync 'underoos'...don't ask, please, don't ask.

Jello and blow up pool for a jello pool to splash around in.

Mace to keep psycho teenyboppers at arms length.

Polaroid film for instant proof, and to attach the pic of Steve to the ransom note.

Val's 'In honor of Joey: Let's Get It On' megamix.

Horse hair extentions to use, or to taunt Chris with as a reminder of his dredlocked 'younger' days.

Val's Jc Timberlick so we have someone to balimos with in the hallway.

EXTREME zoom lens for closeups since we are sitting in BFE.

So yeah, there's just a *brief* list of what I am bringing along on this wild adventure. Wish me luck, and if anyone has any helpful hints, you know where to reach me. Lol.

Hmm, what else was I gonna say? Oh yes, how Stevie better just be getting his butt excited to see me, his little woman, cuz I will be looking for my hot tamale in Vegas. I figure if I just look near the hookers parading around the strip...Joey will be close behind...therefore Steve the clingon will be right behind HIM. It should be cake.

I am actually thinking of sending Steve an email solicitation telling him that I'm his genie in a bottle baby. However, I don't really know if I would enjoy his crab infested hands rubbing me ANY way. Then again, as Val so eloquently put...There is no one else that can look that hot with a half a tooth. Oh baby. Slap me silly and call me Brooklyn. So there ya have it kids...ohhhbaby Stevie, my big New Yorker...break me off a piece of that. *my voice dripping with sarcasm* But hey, he's my rat bastard, and is the only rat bastard for me. I'm his rat biznitch yo, and don't you forget it. Lol.

Now..I would like to give a shout out of THANKS to Valy, Katgirl, and Joey..I mean Maggie. Lol.

To Jennifer and Christina, I look forward to meeting ya. :)

And the boys of N Sync...I have one thing to say.

Boys, you KNOW you better watch out!