VMA's: NSYNC Got the Shaft. Surprised? No Way.

Here is my take on the VMA..N Sync/Britney performance: It was ...gagarific.

Seriously I don't know what kind of crack they were smoking to revamp the TUMH dance first off. Secondly, what made them decide to let BRIT mouth her song first? Let's just say that some robotic freak on a power trip got ahold of N Sync, added some cranked out dancers, and decided that Chris should get more airtime than Justin. (Not that it's BAD, I just wasn't sure if Justin was performing TUMH or performing in a mock porno with Brit on the sidelines.) I don't even know if Justin was there performing, because the camera didn't even STOP on him for a millisecond. It showed JC quite a bit in his red muscle T...which by the way looked halfway decent.

Anyhoo, Brit did her little school girl type opening, came out with her battery pack and extentions and shook her fat ass around while attempting to squeal out a few notes here and there. (Not to mention her BEFORE performing outfit. Can you say see-through, sequined, and caribo feathers? It was, in a word, nastiness. Basically the only thing separating her from flashing the entire MTV viewing audience, AND Kurt Loder were some black feathers. Cuuuuute.)

Hmm, what else happened. Ooooooh yes, Danielle (Chris' woman, ya know from IDMC vid) made an appearance. She was sitting in the audience right next to her Chris. Aww how sweet. Props to him for having the balls to bring his significant other to an event that teenies may be watching. I didn't SEE Bobbi, but she was most likely on the other side of JC, cut off by the camera perhaps. Poor Justy, he must have been royally pissed because he didn't get any friggin air time whatsoever. It's semi sad really...maybe he was having a bad fro day. Who the hell knows. What else is worth mentioning. Ah, yes, the fact that Chris Rock made the comment about boybands being all the same, blah blah blah...but then he goes, 'And the only real question is WHO is gonna be the one that gets Britney Spears pregnant.' ROTFLMAO. Ohhhh boy, I think I died when he said that one..not to mention the fact that they flashed to BSB...Brian's face was classic. I wish they would have shown Juju though, I bet his face was beet red. LOL.

Other than that, and the fact that N Sync got the shaft in the awards department. (Not a huge shock here people. Look at the video they had nominated. Um...no. Joey in overalls and a beret, JC with Lurch hair, shirts tied around their waists? Even a nicely developed 15 year old Justin in his beater couldn't redeem that video from the pits of horrible video hell.) But one thing that made my night... Bitchney didn't get an award either. Can I get an AMEN!?!

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