I really hate that...

I feel like being random right now. So you get to be a part of it. Ooh isn't that special? I thought so too. Word.

I hate that Taco Bell commercial.

You know, the one where the guy sings "I'm just a guy and a dude and I'm hungry"?

It sucks.

I hate that guy.

How come HE gets to be in a commercial and I don't?

THAT'S what I'd like to know. Pssh.

My 21st birthday is August 15th.

It sounds like it'd be really fun don't you think?

Well it's not going to be, because my friends from home suck.

So, I have no one to go to the bars with. Grr.

No Authority broke up.

Betcha didn't see THAT one coming eh?

Funny part? Brit and I got Tommy a "Happy Retirement" card and gave it to him back in May.

That was two days before Danny became "sick". Yeah, we knew the real.

Sometimes I scare myself when things I say come true.

That happens a lot actually.

Kinda freaks me out.

When I hear the song "Do Your Thing" I picture JC frolicking through a flower strewn field like a gay leprechaun.

It's a rather disturbing thought.

I have drank about 9 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper today.

I'm not even that thirsty.

Also, I have not talked to a single soul all day.

I hate the people I work for. They pretty much suck.

I get to go home again on vacation soon.

That's a score, even though I always hate coming back.

I just saw the movie Legally Blonde.

It's pretty funny, I recommend it. Endorse it even.

Pinky and Stinky.

Hrrmph. What kind of nicknames are those anyways?

I don't get it.

But I do get the fact that 1 1/2 plus 1/2 equals 2.

However, if you were Britney, wouldn't you rather be a whole instead of a half?

Why does JUSTIN get to be a whole PLUS a half?

Is he that much more of a person than her?

That she's only HALF a person?

Cuz last time I checked, 1 and 1 equal 2 also.

I'd protest if I were her.

But that's just me.

I have a headache and my neck hurts.

So I'm going to bed even though I'm not tired.

