Deguello - Feedback

Feedback for

by Trish Bennett

Stef from Germany:
I´ve read the whole Story. Thanks to the author for this pleasure. It was great.

From imbrillig:
Dequello was an excellent piece of fiction. Not only did you capture the characters of the Enterprise crew beautifully but you captured the essence of the series when it was at its best. The use of Shakespeare as an insight into Kirk and as a commentary on the story was particularly effective. That the Organian also knows Shakespeare and that in his conversation with Kirk he allowed for Kirk to find the answer left me in admiring silence. I found it particularly ironic that Fitzpatrick was guilty of just what he had cause to accuse Spock of doing - and melancholy that Kirk, in effect, chose between two friends using justice as his guide. Each and every conversation between the multiple members of the Enterprise and the Klingons and the Organians was deftly handled and so true to the series that it makes me want to pop in a DVD and revisit that world - except that it will now be a bit less flavorful when I compare it to the feast you set before us. Very well done. I just placed an order for "The Better Part of Valor" with Amazon - can't wait to read what you make of the amazing men and women of that point in history.

And tell me, please, when will you be posting the Voyage stories you have written? That I will indeed be waiting for anxiously. More so even that TOS, Voyage had potential largely left for fan writers to tap.

Joselisa Péres Queiroz de Paiva from Brazil:
Oh my GOD, this is so wonderful that I'm going to show it to all my friends! This is the best fanfic I've ever read in my life!I'm a big Kirk fan too and I love TOS, so please write more!

Phaser lady from New York, USA:
You, author, have a positively marvelous way of painting a spell binding story. The general outcome was anticipated, and at chapter 16, with Kirk back safely, there seemed to be no more to write. Yet I continued for a number of hours straight, just to finsih it. Thank you.

Louise from Ontario, Canada:
Excellent story. Well worth a re-read. Always a pleasure to read about Kirk, Spock and McCoy vs. Kor with the Organians thrown in.

Winnie from Ontario, Canada:
In a word, wonderful! Speaking as a major James T. Kirk fan, this was a great read. Action packed, bittersweet, edge of the seat, Organians, Klingons, betrayal all packed into 23 chapters. Please let me know if you have any other stories posted and where I can read them... Thanks for sharing this one.

From Ason82:
Wow, I'm sad it's over. That was really good. It's people like you that put determination in my pencil. You gave me something to shoot for. Thanks. On a lighter note, you gave me something to fill the void since SciFi took TOS off air. It would make a great episode, though I think you would have to make it a two-parter. It's hard to find good, serious fanfic out there anymore, especially that's so complex and involved. Wow. I've been scolded for wasting printer paper and ink printing this off, but I assure you, to me, it was no waste. Keep writing, you are very, very talented!

From Jack:
Deguello - WOW, the most hard core TOS story I've read. Glad you mentioned the Organians, I'd forgotten about them. The characterizations were right on the money. Keep up the good work!

From Keridwen:
WWWHHHHAAAAAHHH! way to go! it was just like reading one of my many thousands of ST books - slight exxageration- good job.

From tremor3258:
Oh this is Classic Trek at its finest, all the typical elements of a good episode present, accounted for, and done very well! There's not a lot I can praise specifically without giving it away, so I'll just have to heap praise on generally. Read this!

From Eponeene:
This story was fantastic - write more please, we need good H/C writers. We do so like to feel sorry for Kirk. I loved every word of it.

From Max452:
Very good! You should try and get this published!

From Anna:
Wow, that was really good. You should consider having that published. It was a great story, and really true to the series. You did a great job on it.

From TrekkieForever
Oh, wow! I like it a lot... classic Trek here, Kirk does everything for his crew and his friends... thanks for the great story!

From Cyberkat
I still can't believe Pocket turned this one down. (Then again, maybe it was too good for them?) :-)

From TOS Fan:
Great story! Well written, fast-paced, great dialogue. You've really captured the essence of the characters. Each chapter ends with a mini-cliffhanger that keeps us wanting more. I didn't want it to end. Please write more TOS!

From matt:
An Excellent work, one of the best that I have yet seen here. Your characters are extremely consistent with the TOS characters as we see them, your story line is believable, and the motivations ascribed to all of them are very believable. I very much look forward to more of your work.

From Margaret
Oh, my God! You are amazing. You should have had this published and sold it.... you are really terrific!!!! Do you write for any other shows? Do you take requests? You are f**king incredible!!!!!!!!!

From Nerissa:
WOW !!!! I think this story will be very near the top of my list for the best hurt/comfort fan fic-- print or web!!! Great story in true Classic Trek fashion. Oh, Gene could have made a great movie out of this one.

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Trish Bennett's Fan Fiction
