Star Trek Horizons: Return to the Empire

by Ronald Todd


A Glimpse into the Past

It's an amazing site, thought Ra'jar as he looked through the rubble of the burnt out remains of the old Cardassian resistance base.

He had heard stories all his life about the way things had been during the Dominion occupation of Cardassia Prime. He was only 6 years old when the war had ended, and he remembered very little of it. His father and mother both were lost in the war. He had heard tales from family members that his father was a great hero and helped in the outcome of the war in which the Dominion finally seceded.

The young Cardassian dug through the rubble and found an old computer terminal. Around him were his companions, a human named Philips, a Vulcan female, and the ships first officer, a Ferengi named Nog. Like Nog, Ra'jar was the first of his species to serve in starfleet.    

All at once a glint caught Ra'jar's eye. As he scanned the object, it became apparent that it was a Cardassian padd. The young man dusted the padd off and looked it over. It was still intact. He marvelled at this bit of his people's past, and as he fumbled around with it, it beeped to life.

Nog came over and gave it the once over. "You may proceed Lieutenant," his Commander stated.

Ra'jar smiled and activated the padd. An image appeared on the padd. It was that of his father, Legate Damar, former leader of the Cardassian resistance. He remembered that his father had been told that he was killed along with his mother when Dominion couldn't find Damar to punish him for his "crimes" against the Dominion.

Ra'jar regained his composure and activated the recorded message of his father.  

"It has become clear to me now what must be done," came the voice from the PADD. "The Dominion came to us as allies in our darkest hour. We had suffered greatly at the hands of the Klingons and were in need of a way to regain our place as masters in our own domain. The Dominion came to us offering to make us rulers over the Alpha quadrant as their equals."

His voice grew bitter. "They lied. We are nothing to them but cannon fodder in their war against the Federation. We have suffered more at their hands than we ever did with the Klingons.   Recently I have discovered that my son and wife were both killed by the Dominion for my part in the war against them."

Ra'Jar heard the anger thick in his father's voice found himself mesmerized by the PADD in his hands.

"They were innocents! I asked myself what kind of people kill innocent women and children...and then I was reminded then of what my people did to the Bajorans during our occupation. I used to look upon the past as a glorious time for the Cardassian Union . That the Bajorans needed to be humiliated. Now it is we who are humiliated and humbled, we who are prisoners in our own land."

Damar's expression softened, along with his voice. "I am ashamed of the Cardassia that was. And I am ashamed by what I myself have done in the name of Cardassian patriotism. If Cardassia is to survive then we must change our ways. We cannot live in this day and age surrounded by enemies and hope to be a great nation again. We must realize that the time for change is now. We must fight against the insurmountable odds and defeat the Dominion. We must look upon those that were our enemies as our friends...and those who claimed to be our friends as our enemies.

The time has come for a new Cardassia. A Cardassia which is ruled by honor and justice. I say now to all that hear this that we must fight now -- for tomorrow we may be dead."  

Tears welled up in Ra'jar's eyes as the message from the past finished playing his father's recorded message. He once claimed that he never knew his father. This day he knew his father better than he knew himself.

Chapter 1

The officers club aboard the Federation starship U.S.S. Hikaru Sulu was filled with the sounds of conversation and laughter. The officers who weren't on duty either paired off or sat in groups scattered around the lounge.

All, that is, except one. Lieutenant Ra'Jar sat swishing his glass of Kanar and staring at it. The young Cardassian sighed as he sipped his beverage, then swirled it some more.

"You know," a voice said as if from nowhere, "if you swish that drink much more it's going to lose its molecular integrity. A penny for your thoughts."

Ra'Jar looked up from his Kanar, and his eyes focused on the voice's owner. The woman whose words had interrupted Ra'Jar's train of thought wore a ensemble of velvet-like robes and a hat of the same burgundy color. She had almost black skin and dark eyes, her hair braided past the middle of her back. Her dark mysterious eyes were overshadowed only by her bright, warm smile.

"I beg your pardon, Guinan?" Ra'Jar asked. "A what for my thoughts?"

The El-Aurian chuckled. "A penny, Ra'Jar. It's an old terran saying. It means what is on your mind? You haven't been yourself since you returned from your away mission yesterday."

The Lieutenant sighed and downed the last of his Kanar. "It's like this, you see," Ra'Jar started. "I don't know if you heard but that away mission revealed a part of my past. Or should I say, my father's past." A look of great disappointment and anguish filled the young man's face as he continued his story. "Since I found that PADD yesterday with my father's personal journal, I did some research on him using the ship's database. I always thought my father was a hero. It is what I heard all of my life growing up on Cardassia Prime." His eyes finally met Guinan's. "But as it turns out, he committed some inexcusable crimes against the Federation and the Bajorans. He even went as far as killing the half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian daughter of Dukat, Tora Ziyal, because he thought she was a threat to the future of Cardassia. How am I supposed to be a good officer when my father was a butcher?"

For a long moment the pair sat silently. Guinan motioned for one of the waiters to bring another glass of Kanar. Guinan put her arm around Ra'Jar and tried to comfort him. When the drink came Ra'Jar took a big swallow of it and sat his glass back on the table.

Guinan broke the silence. "Tell me what makes you think you are any less worthy to be a Starfleet officer right now than you were yesterday?" she said. "Just because you father did some bad things doesn't make it your fault. In the end, your father was a hero. He helped to free your people from the Dominion. In the end, he realized his mistakes, and I am sure that his was repentant of his past misdeeds."

The tone of Guinan's voice changed as she grew more philosophical. "In our darkest hour, we always have a chance to measure what our life was and is...and sometimes we have a chance to right the wrongs we have done. Or at least try. I am sure that your father realized what he had done. That is why he turned against the Dominion."

Ra'Jar sat silently for a minute or so looking into the eyes of the bartender. Then he asked, "Who are you, Guinan?" Then he smiled.

Guinan laughed but offered no reply, walking away as the voice of Captain Hadad came over the intercom.

"Attention...all senior staff report to the Captain's ready room in 10 minutes."

Ra'Jar downed the last of his Kanar and headed for the doors of the officers club, then stopped. He turned back, went to the bar, and said to Guinan, "Thank you."

She just grinned and nodded to him.

Chapter 2

The doors to the briefing room slid open with a hiss. At the head of the conference table sat Captain Samire Hadad, a human from Saudi Arabia on Earth. To his immediate right was Commander Nog, the Ferengi First Officer.

Across from him sat Lieutenant Commander Tranex, a stern- looking Andorian who was the ship's Chief of Security and Tactical Officer. Tranex was one who was always all business when on duty, but those who knew him knew he was an entirely different person off-duty.

Next to Tranex was Lieutenant Junior Grade Selena Jimenez, a human from Texas on Earth. She was the ship's Science Officer. Lieutenant Jimenez was a child prodigy to say the least. By the time she reached sixteen years of age, she had doctorates in biology, xeno-biology, and degrees in geology, anthropology, and astro-physics.

Across from her was another stern-looking individual in the person of Kamara of Vulcan. Lieutenant Commander Kamara was a second generation Starfleet officer. Her father was Admiral Kantar, a member of the Federation Security Council. Like most Vulcans, she was always "as warm as Pluto in December," as many of the crew that worked under her in Engineering would say. But unlike most Vulcans, Kamara did not find human emotions illogical but fascinating. Rather than finding it a tribulation, she saw working with emotional races as a test of her Vulcan logic.

Sitting next to Kamara was the youngest of the senior staff, Ensign Jason Philips, the quintessential Starfleet brat. His Dad was Security Chief aboard the Galaxy-class Starship Challenger, and his mother the First Officer aboard the same ship. That was how they met and fell in love before the Dominion War. Jason was born on The Challenger two years before the war ended. He grew up on the Challenger and only left when he went to the Academy. With a background such as his, one would think he would be a no-nonsense officer, but nothing could be further from the truth. Jason was a swashbuckler at heart and was in it for the fun and adventure. But he was also a damn good pilot.

Ra'jar took his seat at the opposite end of he table as Captain Hadad. Captain Hadad stood up and cleared his throat. The look on his face gave no evidence as to why he called the senior staff here. That was the problem with Hadad in Ra'Jar's eyes. Most humans he could read like a bad holo-novel. But not Captain Hadad. He was almost vulcan-like with his emotionless expressions. No matter the situation, Samire Hadad always gave the impression of coolness and calm. That is also what made him a good negotiator and officer.

"Two days ago," Hadad said, "Starfleet listening posts on the former Romulan frontier picked up a message directed toward the Federation. The source was the planet Remus."

The room broke into a sudden shock of chatter. Nog spoke up over the rest. "But, Captain, I thought that all the Romulans were gone...either assimilated by the Borg or fled to the Federation." The entire staff nodded in agreement.

"So it was thought, Commander, but it appears that a small faction escaped assimilation and stayed behind. But according to our latest reports, there are no cities or general populations remaining on Remus or Romulus."

"Could it be a trap by the Borg to lure a Federation vessel into their space?" asked Ensign Philips.

To which Lieutenant Commander Tranex vocalized, "Hardly, Ensign. The Borg have not ever been known to possess the ability to plot ambushes or be manipulative to achieve a goal. They just pick their target and pounce on it."

"I concur with Commander Tranex's statement. The Borg lack what humans call imagination," Lieutenant Commander Kamara stated.

Samire Hadad continued, " Any survivors on either of those two planets must be living in a stone-age type society, especially considering the Borg assimilated the Romulan Empire twenty-one years ago. So the question remains: how did they survive this long, and why are they only now signaling for help?"

The senior staff remained silent, waiting for what they knew was going to be the first major assignment of this crew and ship. Hadad took a sip of the coffee in front of him and rubbed his salt-and-pepper colored goatee, then continued.

"Starfleet headquarters has ordered us to investigate. But we have to pick up someone along the way to help us once we get to the Romulan system."

Most of the staff looked puzzled and Kamara simply raised an eyebrow. This time Ra'Jar spoke up, "Who would that be, may I ask, Captain?"

"That would be one Subcommander L'Tana formerly of the Tal Shiar."

"The Tal Shiar?" Tranex blurted out. "They want us to bring a member of the Tal Shiar on the most advanced Federation vessel in the fleet? Is the Federation Council still operating on all thrusters?" he demanded.

"That is former member of the Tal Shiar," Kamara corrected the Andorian security chief.

"In my book, lady, once a member of the Tal Shiar, always a member," Tranex shot back.

"That will be enough Mr Tranex," Commander Nog said sternly. " The Romulan Empire has not existed for a little over two decades. There is no need to be so..."

"Paranoid would be the logical word," responded Kamara, almost smirking.

"You can believe what you want to, Captain, but I am still going to have my security team on full alert. She won't be able to drink a Romulan ale without me knowing about it," Tranex said, glancing seriously at Lieutenant Commander Kamara.

"That is fine," Hadad began again. "That is why I am putting you in charge of the three-man away team to go and retrieve the good sub-commander."

"Retrieve? From where, sir?" Tranex asked.

"Why, from Paradise City."

"Paradise City? All right!" Jason Philips blurted out. "I've always wanted to go there."

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, Ensign," replied the Captain, "but I am afraid you are not going."

"Oh!" was all that Jason was able to say.

"Who will be going with me then, sir?"

"Commander Nog and Lieutenant Ra'Jar. You will all be posing as mercenaries. Because as you know, if you went in your Starfleet uniforms, that would make you a prime target for a few different factions."

Hadad then passed a PADD to Tranex, who looked at it then passed it to Nog. When Nog finished, he handed the PADD to Ra'Jar. On The PADD was a picture of a Romulan woman. She had raven hair and dark eyes that were to Ra'Jar as black as space. Ra'Jar thought to himself he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.

"Okay, people, if there are no other questions..." Hadad paused a moment to see if anyone wanted to say anything. "Then let's get under way."

The senior staff got up and headed for the doors of the ready room. On the bridge the crew all headed from their stations and Kamara headed for the turbolift. The Captain sat in his chair and Nog stood next to him. Samire Hadad nodded at his First Officer.

Nog nodded once and spoke up, "Commander Tranex, activate cloak."

"Aye, sir!" Tranex's fingers danced across the instrument panel gracefully as he activated the ships cloaking device.

"Mr. Philips, lay in a course for Nimbus III at warp thirteen."

"Course laid in, Commander," the young Ensign said eagerly. This would be the first time the ship would surpass the old warp barrier.

"Then by all means," said Captain Hadad, "Engage!" You could almost feel the four warp nacelles move into their X-position. The ships warp engines began to hum loudly as the warp drive powered up and the ship made the jump to warp speed and vanished from its former position in a burst of light.

Chapter 3

Paradise City was the cesspool of the known galaxy. It was a haven to pirates, felons, terrorists, and mercenaries of the worst sort. It was also a place where the degenerates and exiles of other civilizations went where they could feel wanted.

That was the case of L'Tana, formerly of the Tal Shiar, the ultra-secret organization of the now-extinct Romulan Star Empire. Members of the Tal Shiar were not always very popular among Romulan citizens, and now that the Empire was gone, they were outcasts among their own kind.

So L'Tana decided to come to Paradise City. Here she could find a use for her unique talents. She was one of the best espionage agents the Tal Shiar ever had, and once even lived on Qo'noS for five years posing as a Klingon woman and working in the Chambers of former Chancellor Gowron until his murder.

These days, she sold her talents to the highest bidder, though she never did it for the money but for the purpose of just doing it. To keep herself sharp and to keep from being bored. Now she was about to go on a mission for the Federation for no charge at all. Why? Because there was a chance that there might be people alive in the Romulus/ Remus system.

The thought that there might be Romulans still living on the home worlds was more than she could take. Her curiosity was getting to her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the transporter room aboard the Hikaru Sulu, Nog, Ra'Jar and Tranex were suited up in their apparel for the away mission. Nog was dressed as a Ferengi trader, while Tranex and Ra'Jar would pose as his mercenary bodyguards.

"Okay," Captain Hadad said, addressing his team. "You are all going to beam down to a bar called Ragnorok."

"Ragnorok?" said Tranex. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Ragnorok comes from terran mythology," Kamara answered as she went about preparing the transporter. "It is from Norse means the end of all things." She put in the transporter coordinates.

"Well, doesn't that sound hopeful," Commander Nog interjected nervously.

The others but Kamara laughed. Tranex checked his phaser for the fifth time to make sure it was fully charged.

"Is something wrong with your phaser?" Kamara asked him. "That is the fifth time in ten minutes that you have checked your weapon, Commander."

Tranex just glared at her and said, "You can never be too careful."

"Careful, yes. But I believe you are what a counselor would call borderline obsessive compulsive."

Tranex just glared at her again then turned and stepped onto the transporter pad. The others did their best to keep from breaking out in laughter.

"You know, Commander Kamara," Tranex said, "if you weren't a Vulcan, I would swear that you got some perverse pleasure out of mocking me."

Kamara was quiet for a few seconds, as if contemplating what he had said, then replied, "That is highly illogical. I am a Vulcan. It is not in my nature to feel, as you put it, perverse pleasure or any other kind of pleasure."

Nog and Ra'Jar joined Tranex on the transporter pad. Tranex looked at Kamara once more and could almost swear he saw a slight smile on her face. When he looked again, she had the typical vulcan stoic look on her face.

"Good luck, men," Hadad said. "And be careful. Energize!"

The away team disappeared in the shimmering light of the transporter beam, soon materializing outside the Ragnorok Bar. No one seemed the least bit concerned about three people materializing out of thin air. They all went about their business.

Nog, Tranex, and Ra'Jar moved toward the bar looking for L'Tana. As they entered the bar, it took their eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness. The bar was full to the brim today, and there were races represented that one wouldn't expect to see together anywhere else. There were Klingons, Breen, Romulans, and even a couple of Cardassians who glanced at Ra'Jar for all of one second. But the ones who stood out the most were four Nausicaans who were very beligerent. Not that anyone else wasn't, just that they were more so. Nog made a point to try and avoid them.

Tranex scanned the bar with his antennae. Though not as sophisticated as a tricorder his antennae could sense a lot more than the naked eye or ear could. Well, that is, except for Ferengi ears. Nog eavesdropped on several conversations, hoping to pick up on L'Tana.

He was so preoccupied in his listening that he accidentally walked right into a Nausicaan.

"Hey, Ferengi!" the drunken creature yelled. "Are you lookin' for a fight?"

"," Nog said nervously, trying to see where Ra'Jar and Tranex had gotten off to.

"I think you are," said the Nausicaan. "Ferengis aren't much of a challenge, but it's fun to listen to 'em scream."

Tranex and Ra'Jar both noticed Nog's situation and started toward him, but were blocked by the other Nausicaans. The Nausicaan picking on Nog gave him a shove and Nog tumbled over onto his back side.

"Wass'a matter, Ferengi?" the Nausicaan brute said tauntingly. "Your bodyguards unable to help you? Can't you fight your own fight?"

Suddenly without the Nausicaans realizing it, Nog was on his feet and hit his tormentor hard with his head in the abdomen. The Nausicaan doubled over with pain as his breath was knocked out of him. Nog then hit the drunken alien in the back of the head with both of his hands clasped together, knocking the Nausicaan to the floor.

The Nausicaan looked up at Nog and said, "You fight like a Klingon, not a Ferengi."

Nog smiled and replied, "That's because I was taught by a great Klingon warrior."

The Nausicaan laughed as he got to his feet and ordered the bartender to bring him a drink for his new friend.

"The Ferengi with the heart of a Klingon."

The bar returned to its former noisy state, and the away team reunited. Ra'Jar and Tranex patted Nog on the back and showered him with praise.

"I never knew you could fight like that," Ra'Jar stated.

"I hardly ever have to use it," Nog replied. "It came in handy during the war with the Dominion."

A soft female voice interrupted their conversation. They all turned around and saw the Romulan woman they had been looking for.

"You people sure know how to keep a low profile," she said sarcastically. "I am Sub-Commander L'Tana of the Tal Shiar," she said as if it had meaning anymore.

Nog introduced himself and his away team. "I am Commander Nog of the Federation starship Hikaru Sulu. this is Lieutenant Commander Tranex, our security chief."

Tranex nodded at L'Tana and she did the same.

"And this is Lieutenant Ra'Jar, our Operations Manager."

Ra'Jar extended his hand and L'Tana took it politely. Their eyes met, and Ra'jar was mesmerized at her beauty and charm as well as her confidence. He loved her long raven hair and those mysterious black eyes of hers. The touch of her hand was so soft, yet there was a strength about it.

"Well," said L'Tana, "we should get going, eh?"

Nog agreed. "Do you need to gather some things?" he asked L'Tana.

She shook her head no and walked over to the bar where the barkeep handed her a duffle bag. Tranex scanned it with his antennae just in case there was something that would be unwelcome on the Sulu.

L'Tana laughed at him and asked, "You are very cautious. That is very admirable."

Tranex didn't care for her flattery. He still didn't trust this Romulan. The away team plus one stepped into a nearby alley and Nog hit his communicator.

"Nog to Sulu...four to beam up. Energize!"

The away team and L'Tana of Romulus disappeared in the light, then the darkness returned.

Chapter 4

Back on the bridge of the Hikaru Sulu, Captain Hadad and Lieutenant Jimenez were going over the topographical layout of Remus.

"I would think they would more than likely be hiding in the mountains on the northern continent, sir," Selena stated to her Captain.

"And why is that, Lieutenant?" Samire Hadad inquired of his science officer.

"Because, sir, there are a lot of neutrinium deposits in those mountains. Though there is no real use for neutrinium, sir, it does block sensors. Several people could hide there indefinitely...provided they have enough food supplies or agricultural stations."

Hadad smiled at the eager young scientist. He knew that she was endeavoring to make him proud of her, though he never really knew why.

"Transporter room seven to bridge," a voice rang out through the bridge comm system.

"Hadad here," the Captain replied.

"Sir, this is Chief Reynolds," the soft female voice returned. "The away team plus one has returned from the planet surface."

"Then, by all means, have them meet me in my ready room for debriefing in twenty minutes. Hadad out."

The Chief acknowledged her commanding officer's order and Captain Hadad tapped his comm badge. "Hadad to Engineering," he called out unemotionally.

"Lieutenant Commander Kamara here, sir," the female vulcan's voice came back over the comm system.

"Commander, is the ship ready for transwarp?" he asked her.

"Sir, transwarp engines are operating at 97.39 percent. I am attempting to have them operating at maximum capacity within the hour, sir."

Hadad smiled and responded, "That's what I like to hear, Kamara. Prepare for transwarp."

"Aye, sir!" came the monotone reply of the young vulcan.

Hadad turned toward the helm, looking upon the face of Jason Philips who looked like a kid before Christmas.

"Ensign Philips. lay in a course for Remus at maximum warp," he ordered the Ensign in his most commanding tone.

"Aye, sir!" the young terran said with great anticipation as his fingers danced across the helm controls. "Sir, course is laid in."

"Well then, by all means, Mr. Philips, engage."

The young Ensign smiled and his hands once more with the grace of a dancer moved across the controls. The ship's transwarp engines began to hum. The Hikaru Sulu was underway to the former Romulan Star Empire.

Chapter 5

Most of the senior staff and L'Tana were in the Captain's ready room. The only two not in attendance were Nog and the Captain himself. Everyone sat in their usual seat.

L'Tana, however, was not sitting at all. She paced the room like a caged panther. Ra'Jar watched her, wondering why she was so nervous. She had seemed so together at Paradise City. Now she acted as if she were waiting for a verdict and expecting a death sentence. He felt compassion for her. He wished that he could comfort her.

Ra'Jar was not the only one watching L'Tana. Tranex had an interest in her, too, but not for the same reasons. He watched the Romulan with suspicious eyes. He knew that she was going to be nothing but trouble, and when she screwed up, he would be there to take her down.

Unbeknownst to Tranex, he was the subject of someone else's observations. Kamara watched him as he watched L'Tana. Finally she went over to him and whispered in his ear, "I do believe it is highly improbable that she is going to overthrow the ship on her own, Lieutenant commander," she said almost mockingly in her smug Vulcan manner.

Tranex turned quickly to face her. There was no sign of emotion in his voice as he retorted, "I know that, Kamara. It's not that she is going to take over the ship. It's that we may be making a mistake bringing a member of the Tal Shiar aboard. There is a lot of confidential information that the Federations enemies would love to get their hands on."

Kamara looked at him and realized that Tranex, though so illogical, was a very intelligent person who took his job seriously. Maybe too seriously. But he was a man of principles. She wanted to know him better, though it was nearly as illogical as he.

The door to the ready room slid open and Captain Hadad entered the room followed by his second-in-command, Nog. L'Tana turned around quickly to see them enter and took a seat just as fast.

Nog spoke up. "Captain Samire Hadad, may I introduce you to Sub Commander L'Tana, formerly of the Tal Shiar."

L'Tana smiled broadly at the Captain as he extended his hand. She took it and grasped it firmly, shaking it as if they were old friends.

After the pleasantries were out of the way, everyone left standing took their seats.

L'Tana spoke up. "So, I understand that you are still picking up the distress signal from Remus, Captain."

Hadad nodded and replied, "Yes, Commander, we are still following the signal. All we know is that it is universal distress and appears to be from a portable transponder."

L'Tana put her fingers to either side of her chin as if contemplating what to say next. All eyes were in expectation upon her. "Where exactly on Remus might they be coming from?" she finally asked.

At this inquiry Lieutenant Jimenz piped in. "We cannot be certain until we get there, but we believe the mountains on the northern continent. That would be the only way to escape detection from the Borg's sensors."

L'Tana nodded in agreement. "That would be the most likely place, yes. So then, why would you need me?" she asked.

"Because you know Remus," Ra'Jar started. "You were the most available person...and the only willing person, I might add."

"Oh, I see. Well, I don't exactly expect to be welcomed back with open arms. The survivors are more than likely civilians and they did not care much for the Tal Shiar, even if the Romulan Empire is extinct. Old fears still stand, I am sure."

For a moment it was quiet, then Ra'Jar asked, "If your people do not want you, then why do you insist on going to help them?"

L'Tana looked at Ra'Jar as if she disbelieved what he just asked. She then sighed heavily and replied, "Just because my people do not care for me does not mean I do not love them."

Ra'Jar could swear that he saw tears in her eyes.

"Well, if that is all we will be dismissed," said Hadad as he stood and all others stood with him.

"Lieutenant Commander Kamara will show you to your quarters," said Commander Nog to L'Tana.

Kamara and L'Tana went to the turbo lift without a word spoken. Tranex watched intently as the doors slid shut.

"Captain Hadad, a word with you, please?" the Andorian requested.

"Of course, Mr Tranex. What is it?"

"I would like to have permission to put a guard on L'Tana twenty-four hours a day to ensure ship security."

Without a thought, Captain Hadad replied simply, "No."

"No, Sir?" Tranex asked puzzled.

"That is right, Commander. No. L'Tana is here by request of Starfleet Command. That makes her a diplomat in the eyes of the Federation Council. We do not treat diplomats as felons."

"But, Sir, she is a member of the Tal Shiar."

Hadad turned looked intently into the eyes of his Security Chief, and said in a tone that was not far from yelling, "Mr Tranex, I gave you my answer. Now abide by it and give me no more trouble, or I will relieve you of your post. Is that understood?"

Tranex gulped, shocked. He had known Samire Hadad for almost ten years and never had he heard such a tone in his voice. Tranex answered his Captain with a weak but audible, "Aye, Sir," then turned to go to his station at tactical.

For several moments the bridge was silent as people went about their duties. Ra'Jar finally interrupted the silence from his position at Ops.

"Captain, long range sensors have detected a Breen warship approaching Remus."

Hadad spun on his heel to face Ensign Philips. "Mr. Philips, what is our ETA to Remus?"

Jason Philips looked at his console and said, "Twelve minutes, Captain."

Hadad then turned to Tranex. "Can you detect any other Breen ships in this sector?"

Tranex ran his fingers across his tactical controls. "No, Sir. But the Breen do have cloaking technology."

Hadad nodded that he understood. "Red Alert!" Hadad shouted. The claxon echoed through the ship as the bridge was illuminated by a flashing red glow. "Lieutenant Ra'Jar, how long until the Breen ship reaches Remus?"

"Eight minutes, Sir."

"Damn! Just enough time for them to get an away team down there. Commander Nog assemble an away team. I want Ensign Philips and Lieutenant Commander Tranex here. You may want to take L'Tana with you."

Nog nodded to his Captain and shouted, "Lieutenants Ra'Jar and Jimenez, you're with me." They both headed for the turbolift as Nog tapped his communicator. "Lieutenant Commander Kamara, meet me in transporter room five. L'Tana, please meet us in transporter room five."

As the turbolift doors shut, Samire Hadad began giving orders again. "Ensign Philips, I want you to take us to where we are on top of that Breen ship. I want to be able to see the stembolts from here. Lieutenant Commander Tranex, I want you to lock onto that ship's warp engines and weapons as soon as we are in range. When I give you the command, I want you to disable both systems."

Both officers did what their Captain asked. As the ship approached Remus, hearts raced at what was ahead.

Chapter 6

As the Sulu drew near the Breen ship, all on the bridge prepared for the inevitable conflict.

"Sir, we are on top of the Breen ship," spouted Ensign Jason Philips as he bit his lip in anticipation.

"Captain," interjected Lieutenant Commander Tranex. "Sensors indicate that the ship is a Breen slaver, used in capturing other species to work in their mining facilities."

Hadad nodded in acknowledgement. "Mr. Tranex, don't decloak until the away team has beamed down," he said to his tactical officer.

Tranex responded with an, "Aye, sir!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In Transporter Room Five, Commander Nog and his away team, plus L'Tana (formerly of the Tal Shiar) prepared to beam down to the surface of the planet Remus. A member of security had also met them in the transporter room to distribute phaser rifles to the away team.

The security officer seemed a little leary of giving a weapon to L'Tana. When Nog noticed, he piped up. "Is there a problem, Lieutenant Calloway?"

The young man looked at his commander and said, "Sir, do I give her one?"

Nog replied in a commanding tone that was not very Ferengi in manner but more than expected from a Klingon, "Is she not a member of this away team, Lieutenant? Perhaps you would like her to go down unarmed and be killed by the Breen. Would you Like that, Calloway?"

The young officer just hung his head in shame and answered with an almost inaudible, "No, Sir."

With that, Nog grabbed the phaser rifle from the Lieutenant and tossed it to L'Tana who caught it easily.

"Do you know how to use a Federation standard phaser rifle?" Ra'Jar asked L'Tana.

She looked it over in her hand and said, "Federation Type 3 phaser rifle. Capable of either projectile type ammunition or plasma beam phaser weapon. I think so, yes, Lieutenant Ra'Jar," she said with a slight grin. "I haven't used one since was on the U.S.S. Stargazer," she continued matter of factly as she put the plasma cartridge in the phaser rifle.

It emitted a high pitched hum as the weapon powered up. The rest of the away team did the same. Then Nog lead the way to the transporter pad. Everyone stood in their position on the platform.

"Everyone ready to go now?" Nog questioned his away team.

The only one to reply was Kamara who simply said, "Would it really matter if we were not?"

The away team all laughed at her remark, then Nog composed himself and said, "All right, Chief Reynolds, if you would do us all the honor and energize."

The crewman nodded as her fingers ran across the controls of the transporter. There was a low hum and the away team vanished in the glow as there bodies were transformed into energy.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back on the bridge, Tranex reported to his Captain. "Sir, the away team is under way."

"Acknowledged, Mr. Tranex. Prepare to decloak and fire on the weapons and warp engines of the Breen ship."

"Yes, Sir!" the Andorian security officer said as his blue-skinned hands moved across the tactical board.

The Hikaru Sulu decloaked near the Breen ship about five hundred yards away from it. As soon as the ship decloaked, two short phaser bursts fired from beneath the ship's saucer section, disabling the Breen ship's weapon systems and warp engines.

"Captain, the Breen weapons and warp engines are offline. It will take them several hours to repair them," Tranex informed his commanding officer.

Hadad then ordered his Chief of Security to open hailing frequencies.

"Hailing frequencies open, Sir," Tranex replied.

Hadad turned to the view screen and said, "This is Captain Samire Hadad of the Federation starship Hikaru Sulu. You have violated the treaty of Bajor. You are ordered to surrender any Romulan refugees you may have on board."

At that, the helmet-covered face of the Breen Captain appeared on the screen and replied to Hadad's order to surrender in Breen.

"I am well aware that this is not Federation space, Captain," Hadad replied to the Breen Captain. "However, the Romulans were granted sanctuary by the Federation, which makes them Federation citizens."

The Breen commander was silent for a moment, then stated in Breen that he would not give up his captives willingly. Then the screen went black as he severed the link.

"Mr. Tranex, scan the Breen ship for Romulan life signs," Hadad ordered.

Tranex did as he was told and replied, "Sir, I am detecting about a dozen Romulans in the ship's hold. Their life signs are very low though."

Hadad looked at Tranex for a second and said, "Can we get a transporter lock on them?"

Tranex replied affimatively.

"Then have them beamed to Transporter Room Four and have a medical team there," Captain Hadad said. As Tranex followed the order, Hadad continued. "Now all we have to do is wait for the away team to return."

Chapter 7

Nog and his away team materialized in a lightly wooded area on the northern continent of the planet Remus. Their arrival was covered up by the trees and outcropping of rocks.

Ra'Jar took out his tricorder and scanned the area. "I am detecting ten Breen life forms and at least a couple dozen Romulans. The Romulans are about a hundred meters away and the Breen are seventy-eight meters and closing on the Romulans," he whispered to Nog.

Nog pointed to a boulder a few meters away. "Kamara, you are best shot with the phaser rifle at long range. See if you can neutralize some of those Breen soldiers."

Kamara obediently dashed for the rock that was around twelve feet tall. With grace not unlike a cat, she scampered up the rock almost in a single bound and found her perch. The Vulcan took aim at the nearest Breen, who with his fellow soldiers was about to ambush a group of Romulans harvesting vegetation.

Kamara took her shot and hit the Breen square in the chest. He toppled over, and his compatriots were all in shock at their comrade being suddenly incapacitated. They all looked for where the shot came from and Kamara took out a second one.

The Breen scrambled for cover now, finally realizing they were sitting ducks. The phaser shots alerted the Romulans to the presence of the Breen and they, too, ran for cover.

Kamara jumped off of the rock. She had run the opposite direction from the rest of the away team. Nog took aim and shot a Breen who was trying to sneak up on Kamara's position. The Breen decided to rush the woods in an attempt to overwhelm their unseen opponents or at least try and throw them off.

Ra'Jar took down two more Breen. Jimenez was able to take down three Breen soldiers. L'Tana, Nog and Kamara picked off the rest. When all were accounted for, the away team moved out of the cover of the woods.

The Romulans, realizing who their rescuers were, came from their hiding place. A middle-aged male appeared to be the leader. He smiled at the away team and introduced himself.

"I am Governor T'vek of the Kempar province. I would like to thank you for assisting us."

Nog approached him and said, "I am Commander Nog, First Officer of the Federation starship Hikaru Sulu. We detected your distress signal."

T'Vek nodded and his smile turned to a look of distress. "Yes, we thought that we would be all right staying behind as long as we could stay hidden from the Borg. But unfortunately, the neutrinium has had an ill effect on us. Several of the elderly and young have gotten neurtinium poisoning from the low level radiation. We do not have the facilities to treat them here. Several have already died. You could not have arrived at a better time." He put his hand on Nog's shoulder and firmly shook his hand.

Nog smiled and asked how many he had. T'Vek told him that there were 127 Romulans, and that it would take just a few minutes to get them together and ready to evacuate. Nog nodded and tapped his comm badge and told the ship of the situation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Bridge to Transporter Room Seven," Hadad said immediately after speaking with Nog from the planet surface. "Let me know when all of the refugees and the away team are back on board so that we can be underway."

Chief Reynolds responded with an, "Aye, Sir."

Hadad hadn't sat in his seat more than three minutes when Tranex broke the silence. "Captain, my sensors indicate four ships decloaking, bearing six-four-three-mark-eight-two, Sir."

Hadad jumped to his feet. "What kind of ships, Lieutenant Commander?" he inquired.

Tranex's fingers moved across the tactical board. "Breen, Sir...and they are powering weapons."

Hadad was about to bark an order when Chief Reynolds' voice came over the comm system. "Captain, all the refugees and the away team are on board, Sir."

"Excellent. Mr. Philips, can you maneuver us through those Breen ships?" Hadad asked.

Philips chirped up. "If I can't, no one can, Sir," he said with a giant grin on his face.

Samire Hadad smiled and said, "I was hoping you would say that, Ensign. Red alert, shields up and make it so."

Jason Philips moved his hands across the flight control instrument panel and the ship moved toward the Breen ships. The first Breen ship fired and hit the Hikaru Sulu. The entire ship shook with the impact to the shields. Another shot hit the shields again and then another.

"Status report, Lieutenant Commander Tranex," Hadad requested of his security chief.

"Shields at seventy-eight percent, Sir."

"Return fire."

Tranex fired phasers, hitting the first Breen ship. The Hikaru Sulu moved around the ship and toward two others that were right behind it. Ensign Philips moved his hands swiftly across his instrument panel. The Sulu rolled sideways and between the two ships as the phasers fired at the two ships.

As the Hikaru Sulu passed the two ships, Tranex fired the aft torpedoes hitting both ships again. That left one more ship, or so they thought.

"Captain!" exclaimed Tranex. "Sir, I am detecting a total of five more Breen ships aproaching us at warp speed. The ships we left behind are coming up behind us now."

Hadad silently cursed and thought he had come too far to be stopped now.

Tranex spoke up again. "Sir, I have picked up six more ships decloaking on an intercept course."

"Those Breen don't do anything small, do they?" Philips said without realizing it.

"Indeed, Ensign. Indeed," was all Hadad could say.

"Um, Sir..." Tranex interrupted again. "The six other ships...they aren't Breen, Sir."

Hadad spun around and looked at Tranex. "Then what are they?"

"They appear to be..." Tranex paused for a moment, as if he could not believe what he was seeing. "Sir, they are Romulan warbirds and they have engaged the Breen."

Chapter 8

"Romulan warbirds? Are you sure, Tranex?"

The Andorian looked at his instruments again. "Yes, sir. That is the reading their transponders are giving."

Hadad turned turned toward the main view screen. "On screen, Mr. Tranex."

The screen blinked to life with the images of six blue-green Romulan warbirds launching an offensive against the Breen battle group. The Breen were caught totally unaware as their ships were buffeted by disruptor and plasma torpedo fire. The Hikaru Sulu got in its fair share of licks as well. Phasers ripped through the two Breen ships like a hot knife through butter, taking out their weapons systems.

Within minutes, the tide of battle was turned in favor of the Hikaru Sulu and its new-found Romulan allies. The Breen ships that were able crawled off like wounded dogs to lick their wounds. The others just floated helplessly.

The door to the turbo lift slid open with a soft hiss, and the away team came back onto the bridge along with Governor T'Vek. Captain Hadad approached the governor and introduced himself. T'Vek shook his hand very firmly and rapidly with a great smile on his face.

"Thank you, Captain, for saving us. We will be..." T'Vek stopped in mid-sentence as he noticed the warbirds, and his mouth gaped open. "Are those Warbirds?" he asked with a gasp.

"Yes, Governor, they are," Hadad replied.

At that moment Ra'Jar piped in. "Captain, the lead warbird is hailing us."

"On screen Lieutenant." the Captain replied.

The image on he view screen went from that of six Romulan warbirds and two crippled Breen ships to that of the face of a Romulan male.

"Greetings, Starfleet friends. I am Colonel Mal'Vor of the Romulan Republic."

"And I am Captain Samire Hadad of the Federation Starship Hikaru Sulu. Thank you for your assistance in dispatching the Breen."

Mal'Var smiled genuinely at Captain Hadad. "Thank you for saving our refugees from Remus. Had you not gotten here when you did, I am afraid they would be working as slaves for the Breen."

Governor T'Vek's curiosity was getting the better of him. "I was unaware that there were any Romulan Colonies left, Colonel."

The Colonel nodded at T'Vek and said, "There aren't any Empire colonies. We are a new government, a democratic republic based on equality for all citizens and not, for lack of better description, a fascist state as our former empire became."

T'Vek nodded in agreement.

Seconds later, Ra'Jar's consoles began to beep. As he looked it over a chill ran down his spine and the hair on the back of his neck stood on ends. "Captain!" he said, almost shouting. "Long range sensors are picking up a Borg cube eight lightyears and closing at warp speed, sir."

"E.T.A., Mr. Ra'Jar?"

"Sixteen minutes, sir."

Colonel Mal'Var interjected. "Perhaps we should carry on this conversation in a safer environment."

Hadad nodded in agreement. Mal'Var tapped a panel in front of him and said, "Let us meet at these coordinates." Hadad agreed again, and the screen went black.

"Ensign Philips, lay in a course at those coordinates, warp thirteen."

"Aye, Captain!"

"Commander Tranex, activate cloak."

Tranex complied, and the ship jumped into sub-space and was gone.

Chapter 9

As Lieutenant Selena Jimenez scanned her console, her eyes sparked with excitement.

"Captain this is an unusual phenomenon. There is an unusually high concentration of electromagnetic activity in that nebula," she said as she looked away from her console and toward her captain.

Hadad stroked his goatee as he absorbed the information and stared at the view screen. Before them was a great cloud of gasses and space particles, which wasn't all that unusual in space. But the nebula before them was almost alive as it seemed. Great flashes of green, red , yellow, and blue were constantly illuminating the nebula.

"It reminds me of home," Selena said in an unscientific fashion.

Captain Hadad turned and looked at the young lieutenant quizzically. "How so, Lieutenant?" he asked.

Lieutenant Junior grade Selena Jimenez sighed, realizing that she had actually made the statement out loud. "Well, sir, it reminds me of Texas during the summer when I was a child. The thunder storms would roll in over the dessert, and the lightning would dance through the clouds like that," she said pointing at the view screen.

"Captain, six Romulan warbirds decloaking," Tranex said sharply.

"We are being hailed, sir," Ra'Jar added.

"On screen Mr. Ra'Jar," Nog ordered.

The view on the main screen went from the nebula to that of the pock marked face of Colonel Mal'var.

"Welcome, my friends," he started with a proud smile on his face. "Welcome to the New Romulan home world."

Hadad looked at Nog, confused, and Nog just shrugged his shoulders, just as lost as his captain.

Mal'var laughed heartily. "Allow me to beam aboard and I will explain it all to you Captain."

Hadad agreed. "I will meet you in one of our transporter rooms in fifteen minutes, Colonel," he said and the transmission ended with a nod of agreement from Mal'var. "Okay, Tranex, you and I will meet Mal'var in transporter room seven. L'tana, you can accompany me also," Hadad said as he looked towards Nog once more. "Have T'vek meet me in the conference room in fifteen minutes," he told Nog who nodded compliantly. "The bridge is yours Commander."

"Aye, sir!" Nog said as he took the center of the bridge.

Hadad, Tranex, and L' Tana headed for the turbo lift.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Several minutes later in transporter room seven, Samire Hadad, Lieutenant Commander Tranex and L'tana eagerly awaited the arrival of Colonel Mal'var of the Romulan Republic.

The hum and glow of the transporter came to life as three figures materialized on the transporter pad. Accompanying Mal'var were two others. One was Sub-commander Jan'tara and the other Sub-commander Val'kor, whom Mal'vor introduced as his personal aides.

The six left the transporter and retired to the conference room. As Mal'var made himself comfortable his aides sat at either side of him with very determined looks on their faces.

Not to be out done by a couple of Romulans, Tranex sat with an even more determined look on his. It was as if he were trying to stare them down. Meanwhile L'tana was more anxious than anything.

After all of the pleasantries were out of the way they got down to business.

"To answer what I know you're wanting to know," Mal'var started. "Before the Borg attacked there were several of us that were disillusioned with Romulan society. We discovered this nebula. At the center there is a star and revolving around it three planets. One is an M class world. We started to relocate here. We were able to build a city and move approximately 2 million people from various colonies to this new world. It was easy to cover it up because at the time the Empires attention was on the Dominion War. After the war members of the senate had began to notice the missing people. An investigation was launched by the Tal'shiar."

L'tana interjected here. "I remember that investigation. I knew members of the Tal'shiar, though I wasn't directly involved in the investigation itself."

Mal'var just nodded and continued as if put off by her interruption. "But then then Borg attacked, within a matter of a few months the empire was gone and we were safe."

"What about the Borg?" Captain Hadad asked.

"Ah, yes...the Borg. The nebula is full of electromagnetic activity. It seems to have an ill effect on the Borg. It breaks their link with the collective causing mass damage to the ships as the individuals tend to literally tear the cubes apart. The Borg avoid this nebula at all costs."

A few moments had passed when he voice of the comm system it was that of Ra'jar. "Captain, a Romulan transport has just exited the nebula."

Hadad looked at Mal'var who informed him that it was there to bring the refugees from Remus to the new Romulan home world.

When Mal'var and his entourage were ready to return to his warbird, L'tana stopped him. "Might I have a word with you, Colonel?"

Mal'var waved his subordinates on. "How may I be of assistance, Sub-commander?"

"I would like to accompany you back you Nova Romulus."

Mal'var took her hands in his and sighed deeply. "I am sorry, L'tana, but I am afraid that there is no place in our society for a person of your unique qualifications."

L'tana's heart sank. "Then what am I to do?"

"That, my dear, is up to you. There is no place for former tools of an extinct empire in our new civilization. I am truly sorry, my dear."

As he turned and left she fought back the urge to break down and cry. She was too strong for that. She was a former member of the Tal'shiar. She made a mad dash for her quarters.

Chapter 10

For three days, L'tana formerly of Romulus sat in her temporary quarters aboard the Federation starship Hikaru Sulu. She was once again a woman without a homeworld. But she refused to cry. She was too strong for that, she told herself. She was almost Vulcan in her determination.

What would she do now? Go back to Paradise City? No...that would be an unwise decision. She hated being a freelance spy. But what else was there to do? She no longer had a purpose in life. She was as useless as a Klingon warrior with no arms. Then her self-pity was interrupted by her door chime sounding.

"Who is it?" she almost shouted.

"Captain Hadad!" came the voice on the other side of the door.

L'tana regained her composure, or at least some reasonable facsimile thereof. "Come in," she said as she stood toward the middle of her cabin.

The doors hissed open as Captain Hadad entered the room. He smiled with genuine concern at L'tana. She had to turn away she did not want him to see her despair.

"What can I do for you, Captain?" she asked.

"It isn't what you can do for me. It is what I can do for you."

L'tana turned toward him and gave him a puzzled look. "What is it that you can do for me?" she inquired.

He lifted a padd that he had in his hand. "I have here an invitation for you," he stated.

"An invitation? From whom?" she asked.

Hadad handed her the padd. She almost took it out of his hand and looked it over. Then looked it over again. All she could say is, "This cannot be for real."

"Oh, it is the genuine article I assure you." he replied.

"I will have to think about it," she said."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two days later in the officers lounge, Ra'jar, Nog, Jimenez, and Philips sat around their usual table having drinks and discussing the events of the past few days. Ra'jar seemed to be distracted for the past few days. Jason Philips finally tired of his friend acting like a "space case";.

"Hey, Raj...what's eating you, buddy?" he asked.

Ra'jar, being forced back into reality, had a time trying to compose his thoughts. "I was just wondering what is going on with L'tana."

Nog said, "Well, Captain Hadad went to her quarters the other day but he never said what was going on."

Ra'jar took this into consideration. At that moment the door to the open the lounge slid opened and in walked L'tana. She attracted every eye in the room except, except from Guinan who seemed to know everything. L'tana wore a Starfleet uniform bearing the insignias of a Lieutenant Commander. Behind her was Captain Hadad. They walked over to the table where the senior officers sat.

They all stood up. L'tana smiled nervously as they all stared at her. Soon they were joined by Tranex and Kamara. Guinan brought over a bottle of Romulan ale and eight glasses. She poured the drink into all the glasses.

Captain Hadad picked up his glass as did everyone else. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Lieutenant Commander L'tana, our new Intelligence officer."

All around raised their glasses, including Tranex. L'tana finally realized that she was home.

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