When reading your biographical details and beliefs on your webpage I
discovered that the band indulges in a great breadth of idealogical thinking
which manifests itself within the band. You describe your music as "witch
metal" which is "not mearly a style of music but also a lifestyle". Can you
please tell us about this statement , elaborate and about how the band name,
"blackqueen" relates to this,it's meaning and so forth.
(BUZZARD)A witch to me is someone who has decided to explore & use techniques & beliefs that humanity has ruled illogical due to lack of physical evidence. An understanding that you need not understand something completely to be able to utilize it. Freeing yourself from reason & analytical belief systems may allow us to tap into the more instinctive 'animal' reactors in our brains. In history, witches in Europe & America were shunned, persecuted, and burned for using unconventional methods that the herd didn’t understand, to better live thier lives. The angle commonly heard is that of witchcraft is used for bringing pain & suffering to others. This is where our interpretation comes in. The name ‘black queen’ comes from history first, but more obviously from Dario Argento’s 1977 horror masterpeice ‘SUSPIRIA’ in which a black queen, a witch who has become queen of her magick(taking certain practices & using them in an original way, according to her personal preference) makes people “vanish’ when they threaten to reveal her secret existence. Sounds like evil, but i see it differently. If a witch has been chased out of her home, hunted, & feared ignorantly by the world, it would make sense for her to fake her death to remain anonymous & safe. All it would take for her to be destroyed would be for the herd to discover she was still alive, thereby bringing bloodthirsty fear back to her hunters. So you see, i see it as survival from a neutral perspective, if someone wants to destroy you, you will do whatever you must to survive, even at the expense of taking life from your persecutors. That concept can be seen as magick, witchcraft, or plainly spoken, self-defense. I see nothing wrong with that. Our band represents individual freedom & the right to curse those who would have you cursed, an eye for an eye, so to speak. There you have the basis, an example, & a relation. I could tell you more about my personal practices, but that’s my business. & I think everyone should mind thier own. Witch metal is not there to be exploited, it functions on a personal, individual level, that’s just what I call it.
You site some non metal influences which relate to thought, activities and
lifestyle, can you please state some of these and how do such things
influence your music when they are not directly related to music?
Simply put, music is imagination, even if reality driven. So then, it would make sense that practices that exercise the imaginative part of your brain & spirit would elevate this power to create music. It’s really easy to write a song that sounds a certain way. Some people like that when they can understand a metal song cause they know the elements involved. That’s fucking boring! Wouldn’t you rather be mesmerized by the unknown? That’s what we find exciting, a challenge in music, both as listeners & as composers. I personally use the internal & external martial arts to exercise & develop creative energy, and i am currently in training to be an instructor of these techniques, so that i may pass them on to others and help them to better help themselves & teach others. This positive reinforcement will allow creative inspiration to flow, uninterrupted. Most of the negative inspiration comes from humans and all the stupid things they do, the betrayal & hypocrisy they spread shamelessly while all the while lying & displacing the blame, irresponsibly.That’s REAL evil, not some lie (like satan) made up by christians to scare you into going to thier church & making thier pockets fat. That’s enough shit to curse about without having to resort to fantasy.
The band obviously has roots in spiritualis, do you believe that true
spiritualism has been lost within western society; that perhaps many of our
true mental, physical and spiritual capabilities have been lost? why so? And
from what ancient spiritualism do you draw from?
I don’t think it has been lost, maybe it has all but vanished among the masses, but the individual is what is important, and , believe me, there are many modern practices that develop & exercise these powers, some that are readily available, some that are covert, for after all, we have seen how modern man reacts to power with greed & ego, so maybe it should’nt be for everyone. As modern people, we do have one major disadvantage, our belief systems that have been instilled in our upbringings. Ancient peoples embraceed unexplained powers, so therefore had a big headstart on developing them at an early age (the best time to do it!). Now we have television, political parties, and all kinds of crap for people to conveniently buy into and feel a part of something without actually having to risk possible failure alone. The decline of personal freedom and choice of beliefs is well upon us, and the numbers of the weak are growing. Soon they will outnumber the wise & all will be lost for humanity. That’s fine with us, we don’t want to go against the way of nature, even if it means our destruction. As ancient spiritualism goes, i personally draw from all kinds of shamanism, non-traditional witchcraft, and taoism.
Do you think it is important to combine music with spiritualism? Should
more/less bands do it? Comments...
It’s definatley important! Music can be a powerful statement, so why not use it to get through to people. If thier is no kind of soul or spirit behind your music, i think you should shut the fuck up and be an actor instead, then you can pretend all you want, cause it’s your job. Fantasy is fine, and i’m not saying that those people aren’t important, it’s just not the same thing, and to be blind to that is to miss out on a world of REAL dark & light. More or less? More people capable of spiritual expression should do it, and less people should try who don’t know how to do it .
Do you have any additional thoughts on this topic/spiritualism?
Not right now, my additional thoughts are about sex & tequila.
The title of the MCD, "the anthropocalypse" is also conceptually very
interesting. It
would indicate that humanity will be the initiators of the apocalypse?
Hell no! Man is too insignificant in the grand scale of things to initiate the apocalypse, although he definately did his fair share to hurry it along.
you please describe your concepts in relation to the CD title?
The ‘Anthropocalypse’ is all about the planet being reborn, a glorious and beautiful thing, unfortunatley for man however, it signifies his nearly complete obliteration, and in the wake of his annihilation comes the rise of the animal kingdom, who then prey upon his dwindling numbers until his utter extinction. Sounds sad, but it makes me happy. It’s a happy story really, and one that is part of our future. The bad guys lose, and it’s we, the humans.
The bands lyrics are also very interesting. are the sentiments previously
discussed expressed within the lyrics? Are there any particularly interesting
lyrical ideas on the CD that you would like to share?
I guess i already covered that one, but i will add this. The blackqueen could be a witch, but not necessarily a human one. Animals have innate powers as well. Some are telepathic. In the Antropacalypse, the blackqueen has been banished by people in her human form, and now takes the form or a much older form of life, the crustacean. From the deep unexplored trenches of the ocean she rises, communicating telepathically to her initiated cohorts. First comes the earthquake, then the lava, then the tidal wave that takes the land back to the sea & makes life for some impossible, for others, ideal! This may sound like a joke, but its a story that is relative to reality, yet injected with a twisted sense of humor that we feel is quintessencial, & also necessary for us to be ourselves whilst expressing our views. So, read the lyrics, they may be looked at thru the eyes of the animal world in relation to humans, and it’s not at all evil, they are just taking back what has been stolen, JUSTICE REIGNS SUPREME. If you go to the links page on our site and click on ‘crab infestation’, you will get to read about the reality of this inspiration in our environment. Your questions have been challenging and intelligent, & we would like to say thank you for digging deeper into our music than would most. That is exactly what we want.(end buzzard)