I will say this now, and try not to be mean. To any Fuu fans, she's my least favorite. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but she just gets on my nerves. She looks pretty cool in the last stage of her armor, but just something about her... who knows. But nevertheless, she is a Magic Knight, so I'll still tell you a little about her. Incase you don't already know, her best friends are Umi, and Hikaru. Those are basically the only reasons I tolerate Fuu. I guess it's her 'Superfriends' sort or dialog. Example: 'Maybe we should fight this monster'. It's true she does this, and it gets on my nerves oh so much! But seriously, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. :)

She's indulged in herself, but moreso, as the story progresses, Ferio. That's right, the other little green feller himself! Oh, ain't her just the cutest?? Well, she's head over heels, they both are, eventually, they're pretty obvious about it. There's no kissing, but touching as such. I suppose this would be a reason to tolerate her. Ah well, she's not so irritating to me in the OAV series.

All in all, without all the Ferio stuff, here she is in a nutshell:
Always smiling, but is actually quite a strategist. Her comments are often right to the point. Her being in the archery club at school allows her to use the bow and arrow. She learns Wind magic. She wants to be a computer systems engineer when she grows up.

Fuu has shoulder length, light brown hair, green eyes, and wears glasses. Her school uniform is green skirt, green jacket, small red tie and brown shoes. She has an occaisonaly morbid sense of humor . She has a tendency to state the obvious and she addresses everyone with unfailing politeness . She has a very smart and logical mind. She has a kind nature and almost never gets mad.

  • Age: 14
  • Sign: Sagitarius
  • Blood type: A
  • Favorite Food: Tessa (Fugo Sashimi)
  • Least Favorite Food: Anything that doesn't taste good
  • Favorite subject: Mathematics
  • Least Favorite subject: Art
  • Hobby: Reading books
  • Specialty: Computer programming
  • Favorite color: Green
  • Ambition: To become a Systems Engineer
  • Mecha God: Windam
  • Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister

  • she's naked ?? Wearing a kimono
    M E N U

    Umi Ryuuzaki
    Hikaru Shidou
    Fuu Hououji
    Other Characters
    English Lyrics
    Manga Summary


    Smashed Ice