A good example of a pure, honest, and simple girl. Although she is vertically challenged, she can jump very well. She is good at
attacks using a sword because she has been learning kendo since she was a small child. She learns Fire magic. The shortest of the
three Magic Knights. She has red hair which she puts back in a long pony tail and red eyes. Her school uniform consists of a black
skirt, a red jacket, a big white bow in front, red socks and black shoes. Energetic and almost always happy. Of the three of them,
she gets along best with Mokona. Naive, she is often mistaken for a younger girl ("We thought you were eleven!"). Because of her
out going personality, she easily wins the favors of the fans. After a few of the first episodes, Hikaru has the most discrete
personality. But once you see more and more of the show it becomes harder to say if she is better than the others or not. Right
now Umi is my favorite, but Hikaru is close ^_^
She's basically the "leader" of the Magic Knights. She lives in Tokyo with her parents and her pet dog named Hikari (light). Being named Hikaru (which means fire) her magical power is fire. Hikaru is sweet and tough when she needs to be. She's a determined fighter with a courage level that won't be broken at any cost. Defeating and killing princess Emeraude leaves her scarred for life, but because of that experience she will face any obstical that is put in front of her. Her love life is very confusing, being that she's tied between two guys: Lantis and Eagle. Hikaru's guardian/ mashin is the monstrous lion, Rayearth
Age : 14
Birthday: August 8th
Sign: Leo
Blood type: O
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least Favorite Food: Anything Spicy
Favorite Subject: Biology
Least Favorite Subject: Music
Extracurricular Activities: Kendo Club
Hobby: Playing with the Hikari (Her Dog)
Specialties: Kendo, Talking to Animals
Favorite Color: Red
Ambition: To Become A Dog Trainer
Family Members: Father, Mother, Three Older Brothers.
Umi Ryuuzaki
Hikaru Shidou
Fuu Hououji
Other Characters
English Lyrics
Manga Summary
Smashed Ice