The creature that Clef asked Presia to give to the Magic Knights. All the vocabulary in Mokona's language are "Bu", "Bu!", "Bu?" and "Bu...". The red gem Mokona has on his (it is not even clear that if Mokona is a he or a she, although Fuu always call him 'sir Makona') forehead can store many things such as tents and food. Mokona doesn't seem to have any thoughts, but in fact he may really have none.
Name : Mokona
Age : Unknown
Birthday : Unknown
Blood Type : Unknown
Clef Guru
He is a guru, his responsibility is to give magic to those who are qualified to use it, then teach them how to control it. He once promised Princess Emeruade to teach the three young girls summoned to become Magic Knights. Clef may look like a kid (he's 745 years old!), but he can never control his temper.
Name : Clef Guru
Likes: Silence
Hates: Noise
Hobby: Strolling, chatting with Magical Creatures
*Extra* Interest: Umi ^_^
She is a Weapon Smith, no matter if it's physical weapons, or weapons used by the 'Mind', she is a perfect expert at welding them. Presea is the best Weapon Smith within the borders of Cefiro, and is the only one who can weld weapons with the 'Legendary Material Escudo'. The only bad thing about her is that she sometimes gets into a state of self-enjoyment and will ignore anything that's happening around her.
Name : Presea Fuaru
What she likes: Bui-Teck (a kind of fruit in Cefiro)
What she hates: A messy room
Hobby: Punishment
He is the mysterious teenager that appeared in the Forest of Silence, but since he is someone from Cefiro, one cannot determine his age from his looks. He uses a large blade nearly as tall as himself skillfully. Towards the end of season one he figures out that he's Emeraudes brother.
Name : Ferio
Likes: Sleep/Fuu
Hates: Not enough sleep
Hobby: Afternoon nap
He is a counsellor whose job is to help Princess Emeruade by not letting anything stopping her pray for Cefiro. But due to the fact that he loves the princess, he fought the Magic Knights to fulfill his will. When Zagato was a counsellor, he was a very careful and considerate person who helps the Princess in anyway possible.
Name : Sol Zagato
She is the pillar of Cefiro. Her prayers can effect everything in Cefiro. To a certain extent, the events in Cefiro are the portrait of Emeruade's mind. Since the princess loves Zagato too much, she cannot pray for Cefiro. So Cefiro is filled with monsters and chaos filled the air. Although she is younger than Clef, her age is much older than what she seems to be. Anyway, the age of Emeruade is not that important since she always dresses like a child.
Name : Princess Emeruade
He is Zagato's younger brother, and once was Cefiro's one and only Magical Swordsman (Mahou Kenshi). But one day he suddenly disappeared and never came back to Cefiro until Princess Emeruade was killed. Up until now, we only know he learnt his magic from Clef while having the power to fight on the sword with a Kenshi (swordsman). Even though his voice is nearly the same as Zagato's, his personality is completely different compared to his brother. He rarely has any facial expressions and doesn't like to speak. He always seems as if he's thinking about something, but he might actually not be thinking about anything! It is hard to figure out his intentions.
Name : Lantis
Where he was born: Cefiro
Likes: Afternoon nap
Hates: Anything that is sweet
Eagle is the highest-in-command of the Autozam ship NSX which was sent to conquer Cefiro. Even though he has the name of 'The Best Commander in the whole of Autozam', when he is not fighting he's a very gentle and happy person. Sometimes you can even all him lazy! He always drops off when he's having meetings and sometimes even he can fall right on the ground sleeping aloud when he's walking! Eagle loves to eat sweet things and daydream when he's drinking tea, but sleeping is what he loves most out of all.
Name : Eagle
Where he was born: Autozam
Likes: Sweet things, afternoon tea time, afternoon nap
What he hates: Nothing
Rayearth appears in the guise of a dark red lion and controls the power of Fire. He was awakened by Hikaru in the Temple of Fire where he changed into the form of a Mashin and fought alongside with her. Rayearth represents Fire, Passion and the Future.
Seresu appears in the guise of a blue water dragon and controls the power of Water. He was awakened by Umi in the Temple of Sea where he changed into the shape of a Mashin and fought alongside with her. Seresu represents Water, Kindness and the Present.
Windam appears in the guise of a bird with four green wings and controls the power of Wind. He was awakened by Fuu in the Temple of Sky where he changed into the shape of a Mashin and fought alongside with her. Windam represents Wind, Wisdom and the Past.
Umi Ryuuzaki
Hikaru Shidou
Fuu Hououji
Other Characters
English Lyrics
Manga Summary
Smashed Ice