Frequently Asked Questions:
"Who hosts you?"
Honestly, you can't tell by the unfathomable amount of banners and popups that Angelfire hosts me? I'd probably get my own paid place if my computer was fast enough, and I didn't have so much crap to move over and so many codes to change.
"Can you send me pictures, or other files to my e-mail?"
No. No. No. No. I know I used to have music pages, and yes I have music for most of the animes on my computer, but I will not send them. Angelfire will not let me host music on my pages (Pst! Except Those Who Hunt Elves! They haven't caught me yet!)
"I applied for *insert name* aware, why haven't I heard anything about it?"
I stopped doing site awards a loooooong time ago because anyone can make them and anyone can give them. The award page still exists, but I no longer link to it on the main page as an actual part of Smashed Ice. Sorry award seeks.
"Where can I buy *insert anime*?"
I used to buy allllll my lovely anime at Suncoast however, when FYE (For Your Entertainment), a HUGE CD and video store, moved in, they made a contract with the mall that they would be the only store that sold videos. So, Suncoast had to leave. ;-; There's also Sam Goody.... but their selection is really lousy. And if all else fails, order online. I'm POSITIVE you'll find what you're looking for.
"What's the deal with Gestalt/Princess Rouge?"
The deal, for those who read that question and don't know, is that both OAV's are only two episodes long my page contains no other information about the shows ending. Yeah, um, I don't know. I bought both animes thinking the rest of the story would eventually be released but I've looked high and low and have sadly found no trace whatsoever of either of those animes being finished.
"What the hell is Smashed Ice?"
Snow Cone. Duh. No, er, I cannot remember for the life of me where I got this name all those years ago. In November of 1999 I created a really crummy Fushigi Yuugi page and after that created Smashed Ice on a whim and made pages for animes that I was familiar with. Of course these aren't the only shows I watch, god no, but if I made a page for ALL the ones I've seen, I'd have a bigger page than Hitoshi Doi *sigh* Maybe one day.... Answer to your question: No idea where I got the name.
How do you make yours site?"
Puuuuuuuuuuuuure HTML baby. No dreamweaver or anything. Learned it from scratch. I'm not exactly super internet literate in that I don't really know jack about JAVA and all that, but I don't really feel the need to know it and slow down my site. I use Jasc Paintshop Pro for my picture editting, because, though I have Adobe, for some reason it stopped working on this computer. Oh well.
Anything else about me personally should be on my about me page.