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Notable Quotes and Sayings

This page is dedicated to all the memorable quotes and mutterings of the vampires who have lived (and met Final Death) in the Glass City.

Quote of the Week (--/--/00):

"Oh sh*t."
- Lee the Brujah, just after he missed tackling a hunter that caused him to dive out the 30th story window of Elysium.

"Can someone explain why I go away for a few months, only to come back to a Camarilla city that has a Ravnos Prince? Anyone?? And what's with all the hunters?" - Archon Donovan Black upon returning from his war with the southern Caitiff.

"Hmmm, bigger guns. I need bigger guns." - Truman after emptying his handguns into a vohzd that was attacking his haven.

"What the hell is THAT???" - Half the vampires in Elysium after seeing Jeremy Rollins open a third eye.

"Please don't kill me. I'll be good." - Jasmine, upon witnessing Xanas impale Victoria on her own skeleton. Instead of killing her, he gave her a nice pair of horns on her head.

"Get back here you coward!" - Kaioh as he was chasing Bob the BSD down the road.

"Are you gonna stop?" - Skar trying to reason with a Get of Fenris, whose arm he had torn off.

"Who are you and what do you want?" - Pander Bob, 5th gen Pander. "Who me? I'm nobody. Don't worry about it." - Truman.

"Can you believe it? I'm the Sheriff. Gehenna is surely upon us now." - Zander the Ravnos after being made Sheriff. "AHH! WHAT THE HE..." - Zander, as his head explodes from a sniper's bullet outside elysium.

"What?! NO! HE CAN'T BE DEAD! HES MINE, DAMNIT! HES MINE!" - Truman, receiving word of Pander Bob's demise.

"Wow. You even bigger than Skar. Me did not think that was possible." - Skar commenting on the size of Brujah Archon Weazel Pinkshoes.

"Umm, Kaioh? Edward just got eaten!" - Damien Alexander as he watched Edward Kassidy get eaten by a vohzd. "Ew! Aw man, now I have to get new clothes." - Edward after escaping from the vohzd's belly, with the help of Kaioh and Damien.


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