This page will feature my opinions on Wrestling. Everything stated on this page is my opinion and if any-one has a problem with it, that's too bad. This is my page, and I'll say what ever is on my mind. I'm always open for your thoughts guys. If you have anything to say, feel free to send me an email...Sheila
September 17, 2001
You know, I've been debating for the last few days on whether or not I was going to comment on the tragic events that occured on September 11, 2001. I decided that I would. First and foremost, prayers to all the families that lost friends and loved ones due to the sick bastards that attacked the country. I'm still in shock from what has happened. I pray that the people, or should I say devils burn in hell, for their acts. The whole thing just makes me sick, that some-one can have so much hate. Thousands of lives have been lost because of this. But at the same time, these cowardly acts will not keep America down. We will not live in fear. I say make the World Trade Center even taller. Fuck them!!!