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Hello every one Welcome to my Stone Cold page. This page is a gallery of pictures of the most incredibly sexiest bald man i have ever seen Steve Williams aka Steve Austin. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. To start off the page is one of my favorite pics of him. I think he is just too sexy in this picture kinda makes u say hhhmmmmmm!!! hee hee.

Before we get to the gallery I would like to tell everyone a little bit about myself. My name is Karen and as u can see I am a major Stone Cold Steve Austin fan. I was going to put all his stats in here but I thought nah I have seen that in most of the pages I have went to about him. I am not going to bore u with anymore details about me cause I am not that important lol!! Well I hope everyone enjoys the picture gallery and wallpapers I have for this webpage. Thanks for stopping bye and Take care.

Bret Michael's