The twelth sign of the zodiac is concerned with compassion, dreams, art and drama.

ELEMENTAL QUALITY : pisces is the mutual water sign of the zodiac.

SPIRITUAL GOAL : learn the meaning of peace

PERSONALITY : POSITIVE : caring, trusting and mystical NEGATIVE : gullible, sensationalist and depressive

SECRET PISCES : they are a dreamer

RULING PLANET : jupiter and neptune

LUCK : COLOUR : violet PLANT : lotus GEMSTONE : amathyst TAROT : moon

APPEARANCE : usually short and thick set

HOME : usually untidy, likes an unusual house

LOVE : romantic and easy to please

SEX : sex is an act of love for a piscean

FRIEND : become emotionally attached to their friends, quite often used

LEISURE : movies, theatre and travel

HEALTH : stomach and bowell area need to be watched


Enjoy the theatre and museum, these are favorite hangouts for Pisces.
Pisces love to watch love stories, not rambo, so choose wisely at the video store.
Pisces believe in soul mates.
Lovemaking should be sensual, never sexual with a Pisces.
Pisces are not strongly interested in financial matters, prefering to leave these things to their partner.
Pisces are daydreamers, they live in the spiritual world, not the material.
When giving a gift, something in the way of a painting will be a good choice.
Pisces want the whole cinderalla routine, flowers, roses, on your knees proposal.

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