AIR: Associated with thought, one of the four elements.

ASTROLOGY: The study of the planets and how they influence.

BIRTHCHART: Chart that shows the positions of planets, sun and moon at time, date and place of birth.

CARDINAL: Associated with initiative.

CELESTIAL SPHERE : An imaginary sphere around Earth used to map positions of Sun, Stars, Plnets and Earth.

EARTH: Associated with reality, is one of four elements.

ECLIPTIC: Marks the point where Earths orbital plane intersects celestial sphere.

ELEMENT: Represent characteristics that are associated with certain zodiac signs.

EQUINOX: Point at which the ecliptic crosses the Earths equator.

FIRE: Associated with activity and one of the four elements.

FIXED: Associated with stability and one of the four elements.

HOROSCOPE: Birthchart according to time, date place of birth.

MUTABLE: Associated with harmoney and one of three qualitys.

OPPOSITE SIGNS: Zodiac signs that are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel.

PLANETS: Eight major planets moving around the Sun excluding Earth but Sun and Moon are sometimes also referred to as planets.

QUALITY: The behaviour associated with certain zodiac signs.

RISING SIGN: Sign of zodiac on eastern horizon at time of birth.

RULING PLANET: Planet that influences a certain zodiac sign.

SOLSTICE : Point at which Sun is furthest south or north from Earths equator.

STAR SIGN: Common misnomer for Sun sign.

WATER: Associated with emotion and one of four elements.

ZODIAC: Imaginary band divided into twelve segments of 30 degrees.

ZODIAC CHARACTERISTICS: Group of charachteristics associated with a certain sign.

ZODIAC CONSTELLATION: Using sidereal time the zodiac is aligned to thirteen constellations.

ZODIAC LUNAR: Using moon cycles the zodiac is aligned to thirteen lunar months.

ZODIAC SIGNS: Twelve 30-degree segments of zodiac numbered anticlockwise according to poitions at spring equinox.

ZODIAC WHEEL: The wheel is divided into twelve equal sections of 30 degrees and named after groups of stars.

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