The sixth sign of the zodiac is concerned with cleanliness, reliability and home.

ELEMENTAL QUALITY: virgo is the mutual earth sign of the zodiac

SPIRITUAL GOAL: to stop playing the victim

PERSONALITY: POSITIVE: gentle, generous and kind NEGATIVE: undemostrative and hypochondriac

SECRET VIRGO: wants to play the victim


APPEARANCE: tall and slim

HOME: a home is everything to the virgo, without it they are lost

WORK: is a very good worker and does well in nursing

LOVE: virgo should never marry a libra, in fact they go well with other virgo.

SEX: sex is not a high priority for virgo

FRIENDS: a virgo friend is a friend for life.

LEISURE: loves being at home and enjoys the garden

HEALTH: heart, blood pressure, eyes and diabeties are all areas to watch

FAMOUS VIRGO: Twiggy, Sean Connery and Sophia Loren


A Virgo will expect perfection on their partner.
Learn to be patient in dealing with your Virgo.
Keep your place clean and tidy, Virgo's dont like messiness.
Dont just be a lover to your Virgo, also be their best friend.
Never try to feed your Virgo something they dont like, Virgo's are touchy about what they eat and their health.
Virgo's like the quite life and will not want to be thrust in the spotlight.

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