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Dragon is the fifth sign in the Chinese astrological cycle. Dragon people are generous, proud and confident - they can seem over-proud sometimes. Somewhat of a perfectionist, they hold high standards for themselves as well as for others. They demand a lot but they also give a lot. Dragons have big mouths. Their words overrun their thoughts, and their hearts run away with their heads. Temperamentally, they are somewhat quick-tempered and impatient.

Those born in the year of the Dragon usually look exotic. They are attractive without even trying and often loved. They are usually the center of attention. Female dragons tend to have many admirers around. However, romance is never simple for the Dragon. They may experience a series of highs and lows in their love life.

The Dragon is a symbol of luck, virtue, harmony and long life. They usually make a success wherever they go. Dragons are talented workers, no matter as an artist, politician, etc. , they are going to succeed marvelously.

Information taken from The 7th Planet


SPRING is your season.
APRIL is your month.

Sovereign in your kingdom, you exist to be flamboyant and exceptional. Like the mythic, fiery Dragon, you love to confront the enemy in battle, leaving the earth behind you burnt to a crisp, and hearts inflamed along your path. Great commander of the rain and fine weather, one must respect you when you talk, admire you when you act and submit when you command. An impetuous energy animates every one of your actions: you are ready to take on any challenge, go off on a conquest of power, and tear down any obstacle. If by chance you fail, you will never admit to being vanquished and will find in this snub a new will to conquer. An insatiable warrior, you become stronger after each defeat, and more invincible after every wound. Demanding of others, you are rather gentle on yourself and rare is the Dragon who recognizes his faults... Intelligent, lucid and clairvoyant, you willingly bang your fist on the table when your audience doesn't share your point of view. You like to see life as a big adventure and can't stand it when those around you lack ambition. Your fault: A bit of megalomania and narcissism!

You are meant for big projects. A tunnel under the Atlantic, a trip to Mars, a pyramid at the Louvre... You are at your best when involved in great projects and in extreme situations. Intuitive and visionary, you are exceptionally creative, endowed with an innate sense for the show and stage. You belong to the race of powerful men and horsemen. Hungry for success, you can work day and night without sleeping to get a big project going. Boredom is what kills you, not work.

An aristocrat in the world, you love to live in a grand style, going out every night and spending money without counting. You like to drive a sports car, hunt for antiques in China, and sleep in silk! You are generous to yourself, family, and friends, and you cover them with presents... especially if they show their gratitude! Born under the sign of Luck, the Dragon is rarely without money. But come what may, you never lower yourself to do work that you hate for money. You have your pride even where money is concerned!

Exasperating Dragon! Your irresistible powers attract consenting victims into your den. When you deign to lower your regard to the chosen one, you know that they are already conquered, all the better, since you hate all forms of resistance! In exchange, you ask for nothing more than to be honored when they are at your side. For you, love is something owed to you, not a duty, so your partner must often make do with little to be happy. If they reproach you the slightest thing, you leave by slamming the door, once you have let out all your rage. Trying to blackmail you has no effect. To seduce you, a person needs to be fascinated by you and your gestures, to swoon in admiration, and hide a strong heart behind a seeming fragility.

The Dragon in the year of the Horse: the Dragon needs to learn!
The Dragon's usual supply of good fortune will still be evident in the year of the Horse, but benefits for his efforts may not flow as readily as the Dragon would like. Although the energy of the carefree Horse blends well with the confident Dragon there will be times when the Dragon's behavior may be found domineering and extreme. By resisting the urge to take the lead in everything, the Dragon will learn valuable knowledge from the Horse. One of these lessons may be in objectively observing one's own ego.
The Dragon is ready to make changes in his career. The Horse's capricious nature may lead the ambitious Dragon on a merry dance of wasting time and energy on chasing rainbows. Although the resourceful Dragon does have the ability to turn a situation around to his advantage, a moment of cautious thought will be wise before following any enticing leads. Some Dragons will realize a change of career direction by promotion while others will take on a totally new role. Given the apparent changes in his career, the Dragon should observe financial restraint throughout the year to ensure he will have available funds to freely pursue the right opportunities when they arise. The Dragon's family will be supportive of his desire for change because they will feel the restlessness in him and know it is something he must do. This turbulent environment may cause tension at times causing friends and loved ones to seek reassurance from the somewhat distracted Dragon.
Although at times emotionally stretched, the powerful Dragon will have the energy to nurture everyone's needs. A show of vulnerability may in fact attract a significant love to the single Dragon so he should not fear exposing his emotional underbelly. Partnered Dragons can expect all the love and support they need from their one love enabling them to pursue heartfelt desires.
The year of the Horse will test the Dragon but if he chooses to view this year with a measure of self-reflection and a willingness to observe and learn, the advancements the Dragon makes will open his life to inspiring new directions.

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology