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Missing part of the Personality section on the second part. Will have it as soon as I can.


Goat is the sign of creativity and artistic talent. They are elegant, gentle, altruistic and fond of the Nature. Goats are often religious. They are interested in the fantastic, supernatural, horoscopes and fortune telling. They make good citizens for they respect order, rules and regulations.

Due to their indecisive nature, they always leave decision-making to others. Business is definitely not the strength in a Goat. Instead, the Goat will make a good craftsman, artist or writer owing to their innate creativity and artistic talent. They are slow workers but of good quality.

In love, it is the Goat's heart, which rules his head. People born under this sign are usually insecure. They need to feel loved and protected. A secure, stable and loving relationship is essential for their emotional well-being. They are home-loving and are the type for marriage and family life. They make very caring parents. As lovers they can be clingy and dependent. They like to associate with others stronger than themselves. They would choose to marry a wealthy person and sit back where possible.

Information taken from The 7th Planet


SUMMER is your season.
JULY is your month.

An artist in your soul, you are gentle and peaceful, a fine

You excel in creative, artistic fields and in anything to do with the theater or putting on a show. You have a purely conceptual mind that likes to be surrounded by realistic collaborators who will take care of the books and the commercial side of things because management isn't your field of predilection. You want neither power nor honors. You are at ease in the thick of things, far from the decision-makers. You work in a bubble with an excessive desire for perfection.

You will gladly spend the money of others! You know how to surround yourself with benefactors who believe in your talent and know how to show it. You don't run after money and are capable of paying four times too much for an object without batting an eye. You have holes in your pocket and you are terrible at managing your money. Who cares! You live in a universe where good taste rules, either because you have money or are resourceful. You could transform any stable into a palace from the Arabian Nights!

Anxious and dependent, you can't live without love. You need a companion that can protect you, is tender, and will shower you with attention. Fights at home and raised voices make you extremely anxious. An ideal love, you are faithful and happy in an atmosphere of calm and security. To seduce you, your partner must be romantic and gallant, and invite you out to cultural events. Above all, they should never give you an ultimatum or look as though they want to leave you. In this case, you will be the first to leave the prairie!

The Goat in the year of the Horse: the Goat is popular!
The friendly and sociable Goat will find the year of the Horse brings a lot of activity and fun. Even though the Goat may find herself feeling a little scattered at times she will enjoy the crazy unpredictability the Horse energy brings to her life and the new opportunities she will encounter. The Goat must also try to ensure she does not let these opportunities pass her by because she is too caught up in having a good time.
The abundance of occasions the Goat attends will be in mixed forums from social parties, to business functions, charity events to family gatherings where the Goat can turn on her hospitable charm. These occasions are where appealing opportunities come her way as others notice her gracious qualities. If the Goat has had a project or idea she would like to promote then this is the year to chat about it endlessly as she is likely to find the support she is looking for. Given the jolly mood of the Goat she must be cautious with her spending. Her usual penchant for luxury and lovely things will be enhanced making her impulsive in her purchases. Therefore, she should ensure she has a steady savings plan to maintain an element of financial control. The Goat will have an uncanny ability of finding the right information and the ability to solve problems having plagued her for some time. In this regard any health issues can be tackled with reasonable success.
The Goat is always popular with her family and friends and this year is no exception. Her warm and caring ways can win over the stoniest of hearts and her compassion will be much appreciated by everyone she meets. In love and romance she will not be disappointed as hearts move to meet hers. The year of the Horse is one where the Goat can pave her way by merely being her self. By acting with a little self-interest she will ensure her future moves in the direction of her dreams.

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology