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Ox people are responsible, cautious, positive and very down-to-earth. They are in no way social animals. Parties are not for them. They can seem conservative, rigid, obstinate and are unlikely to accept new ideas. They are typical traditionalists. Innovation hardly exists in their dictionary.

Hardworking and persistent, the Oxen can stick at a task longer than anyone else. They make highly conscientious workers and they work in a methodical and determined manner. They impress others as leaders. They tend to be bossy. However, sometimes they must labor long hours to accomplish little. They do well in careers, which take years of training, e.g. engineers.

Casual love affairs are definitely not the Ox's style. Although they may not show it, their emotions are deep and passionate. They make affectionate, steady, reliable and loyal partners but not romantic. They are family-oriented, very close to their family.

Information taken from The 7th Planet


WINTER is your season.
JANUARY is your month.

A Chinese proverb says, "The ox is slow but the earth is patient". You go through life with determination and common sense. You love nature and so like working outdoors. You also like quiet cottages, and have respect for traditions. You are solid, with a quiet interior force that people can count on. You also have a great sense of humanity, are loyal, honest, upright, faithful, and have integrity. No job turns you off when you have made a decision and you never go back on your word even if it means being unduly stubborn. You suppress your emotions, and hide them most of the time - notably when you are in love because you are afraid of being rejected. You are not afraid of solitude, and prefer spending your evenings in a quiet cottage in the countryside rather than a Parisian lounge watching the beautiful people go by. A little bit rustic, you are not a diplomat, and let others know what you think without hesitation. If someone attacks you, you fight back like a bull with your head lowered and horns ready to gouge your enemy. Those who hurt you or those close to you should watch out: you hold grudges for a long time - excessively so - and never forget a name or a face. You always get sweet revenge... even several years later. Your fault: You're a bad loser and can't stand failure.

You take on mountains of work with no apparent effort. You are well grounded both physically and mentally, face problems head on and always find a solution that is never "the easy way out". You inspire confidence in those close to you because you keep your word and are respected because of your honesty and steadfastness. You master the workings of business affairs and your strong will always gets you to your fixed objective even if the road is longer than expected. Your endurance is without limits.

You are reasonable and know how much money you have right down to the penny. You earned your money through sweat and hard work and you are not the kind of person to throw it away on an impulse. You invest in land, real estate, and durable goods, and never spend your money unwisely. Your family lives in relative comfort at home but you have to be pushed out of the house to take part in outings or leisure activities. You are an excellent money manager with the mindset of a countryman: you can live on very little and love seeing your nest egg get bigger and bigger...

"Slow but sure" is your motto in love. You love pleasure but you never get involved quickly and it is likely that you will remain alone if someone doesn't come looking for you! Passion and ardent declarations of love make you feel uneasy. You like to establish a relationship slowly, step-be-step, and take time getting to know a person to learn to appreciate them. To attract you, the person you are seeking has to gain your confidence, respect nature, be very tender, and have nothing against slipping on some comfortable slippers!

The Ox in the year of the Horse: the Ox needs flexibility!
The calm and steady Ox will find his comfortable routine disrupted in the year of the Horse as the stirring energy serves to lift the Ox from walking one more lap around an already, well trodden course. Although the Ox likes a predictable and organized life he will benefit from the Horse's nudging influence to budge from his comfort zone and broaden his horizons.
The work focused Ox who has neglected his health may find this is a year where ailments surface inspiring an overdue rethink of lifestyle and priorities. For some this will mean dietary adjustments, others will find themselves, urged to exercise more and enjoying it! This healthy attitude will benefit the Ox's life in general and help him stay abreast of the constant changes he will endure throughout this year.
Career opportunities will require the Ox to act quickly or else these opportunities may pass him by. While some offers will lead the Ox down a trail to nowhere, others have the potential to open new and interesting directions where the Ox can apply his savvy business talents. Although investments do need to be approached with reserve, this is a year where the Ox will need to take some risk. The saying, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained", is an apt code of action for the Ox to follow in the vibrant Horse year.
The Ox is a reliable partner who seeks commitment. Partnered Oxen may find their mate requires extra loving attention due to previous neglect of their romantic flame. The sparking energy of the Horse will assist the Ox to rekindle their passion. Although single Oxen will readily attract new love, he may feel vulnerable when challenged to express his feelings. Venturing into new emotional territory may find him love that awakens his deeper senses.
n all ways, this is a year of opening and growth for the Ox. If he maintains a flexible attitude he will emerge from the year a wiser person with a wealth of opportunities to pursue and an interesting new life to lead. In this year of the Horse the measure of progress is only limited to the willingness of the steadfast Ox!

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology