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Pig people are sincere, honest and trustworthy and will not let you down. They show concern for welfare and comfort. They like to serve the others. Slow in decision-making, they sometimes give the impression of indecisiveness. Like the Monkey, the Pig has a great thirst for knowledge. He reads a lot. Although he appears to be well read, his knowledge is only superficial.

The Pig is generous, helpful, gullible and forgiving. He can be taken advantage by unscrupulous persons. He likes to join clubs and will be a loyal member. He can make an excellent fundraiser. In general, Pigs will succeed in their careers, especially if they are their own boss. However, they are also pleasure-seekers and enjoy the good things in life. They like luxury and can be extravagant.

The Pig is a good companion. He can get along with almost anyone. He doesn't say much, but when he does decide to speak, nothing can stop him. In love, Pig people are sensitive, caring and loyal to their partners. They are romantic and tailor-made for marriage. But Pigs are also possessive and jealous. The female Pig makes a very good mother.

Information taken from The 7th Planet


AUTUMN is your season.
NOVEMBER is your month.

Honest and upright, you advance in life like a tranquil bulldozer. You hate lies, hypocrites, and artifice. If you do something bad you feel terrible and guilty about it for a long time after the fact. For your family and friends you are generous and helpful. Sometimes you are even a little bit too generous because you don't know how to say no. People don't hesitate taking advantage of your good nature. Underneath your exterior hides a ferocious determination for your inner codes to be respected. Nobody can impose their will on you unless you decide to let them. You make your decisions and take responsibility for your failures in private. You don't blame others for your mistakes. When there is a conflict, you take cover until the storm has passed. You may be criticized by others for preferring to run rather than fight but raised voices, fights, and power games revile you. If your back is against the wall with no escape possible you become a daunting and violent adversary. Behind your apparent good nature you hide your hypersensitivity and soul of a

You love to work and want to succeed in your professional life but not at any price. You refuse to compete, to be opportunistic, and to make deals under the table. You want to be recognized for your talent and competence, and won't resort to political intrigue. So you are not always a diplomat and prefer leaving a business meeting by slamming the door rather than approve an unsound project. You will gladly spend more time on your personal rather than professional life, unless you are your own boss. In this case, you won't count the hours and will see your projects through to the end.

The Pig symbolizes material wealth in China so you rarely lack money. Your love of pleasure contributes to turning you into a big spender but you are above all, very generous. You love to have friends for dinner, give your friends presents, and take your family on sumptuous trips. A cultivated

You are in love with love in all its forms: tender caresses, romantic gestures, sensuous meals, and wild sex. Although you are faithful in love, you are very possessive and jealous. To be happy, you need a curious cocktail of solitary moments coupled with moments of tenderness and wild passion. You love it when your partner shows their continuing passion and infinite love for you in public. To seduce you, your partner must say yes to everything, especially to the pleasures in life, which they will be able to fully partake of in your company!

The Pig in the year of the Horse: the Pig needs resolve!
The kindly Pig will be stirred to action by the irrepressible motion she will experience in the Horse year. Not being one to shirk a good time, the Pig will enjoy the social atmosphere the cheerful Horse year brings to her life, however, at times she may feel as though her head is dizzy with champagne bubbles as she tries to keep up with the Horse's lightning pace. Once focused the Pig is the most diligent of workers, but this is a year where the Pig's ability to focus will need some diligence.
The intellectual Horse will present the Pig with so many projects and avenues of potential she may be giggling with both glee and frustration at the same time. The Pig will need to decide on a course of action early in the year and head unerringly toward that goal. Although the distracting Horse will test the Pig's resolve and stamina at times, her dedication and pleasing nature will be generously rewarded. The Pig is not afraid of hard work and this is a year where she can make considerable progress toward realizing her ambitions.
This fine career climate will introduce the Pig to interesting new friends and associates who will serve to assist the Pig in her ambitions purely because they want to. The Pig's fun and friendly nature find her placed on party lists and climbing the ranks of the social circuit. Entertainment also flows into the Pigs family life where she will enjoy a hectic social schedule attending many happy events. A pocket diary will certainly be a useful item for the Pig to keep this year.
In matters of the heart the Pig will find her trusting nature admired and appreciated by those near and dear to her. Aspirations for her family gradually fall into place creating a scene of domestic bliss. Partnered Pigs will feel the love in their life, while single Pigs have an excellent chance for a significant grand romance. The Horse year promises the Pig an abundance of fun, and also many material blessings, although the result of these blessings will ultimately equate to the efforts of the Pig.

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology