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Rat is the first animal in the Chinese astrological cycle. People of this sign are generally active, and tend to lead busy lives and love partying. Charm and sociability are their most prominent attributes. They are sociable and make friends easily. They are good at conversation and can be talkative. Although Rats are outgoing, they are self-preservationists. They are very private animals and keep their feelings to themselves. Ambitious and unbelievably persistent, Rats do not give up easily. As they are quick-witted, efficient and confident, they can get more things done in a day than people of any other signs.

Rats may be described as opportunists for they prefer to live by their wits rather than work hard to earn their living. They are usually successful in a business where they are in contact with people. They can be a good businessman, or politician.

The Rat's life is dominated very much by emotions and intuition. In relationships , they are sensual and loving creatures but not romantic. They are loyal and devoting to their families.

Information taken from The 7th Planet

WINTER is your season.
DECEMBER is your month

You enjoy life's pleasures, are a gourmet and connoisseur of good wine, curious about everything and an opportunist. Your fertile imagination pushes you to get out of your daily routine through the delightful things you think up to do, to the joy of your friends. But if your family and, above all, your little ones, are delighted by your unfailing love, your individualistic side comes out as soon as you leave home. Magnetic and charming, you are surrounded by a mysterious halo. Your relationships are formed with people that can help you, at least in the beginning. But sometimes a sincere and solid friendship is formed. Faithful in love and friendship, your circle of close friends is small because you have chosen them carefully. You know how to use this close circle of friends to get what you want, if need be. Manipulation is an art that you know well, with no sense of guilt. Naturally distrustful, you are secretive about your life and always attack first when you feel threatened. Your hypersensitivity makes you hate being laughed at or reproached and you can become aggressive over nothing. Be careful about being too cynical because it can sting. Your fault: You are overly critical.

Your mindset and innate gifts as a strategist tend to make you an incredible politician. You are also at ease in the business world and have an intuition that allows you to know which way the wind is blowing. While you excel at thinking things through, you balk at taking action yourself and delegate work that bores you to a maximum. Your projects don't often get set up because you lack perseverance and don't implicate yourself enough; you run away from routine and don't like to feel hampered by set hours, places or constraints in general. Your gifts as a strategist come out when you are independent but you sometimes hesitate undertaking your own projects.

You can be extravagant or miserly with money; everything depends on the period and your mood. The Rat is lucid so you know how to adapt yourself to any financial situation. You have almost as much taste for rigor as you do for opulence. No matter the drink provided, what's important is getting drunk... Your skillfulness and cunning allow you to rapidly regain a financial equilibrium when the balance tilts in the wrong direction. It is rather common that you have a secret nest egg that you don't hesitate digging into, to the delight of your loved ones. What irritates you most: waste.

While you sometimes seem egotistical on the outside you are highly sensitive and sentimental on the inside. You are very emotional, and easily carried away by your passion and jealousy. You love fiery love that is agitated and tumultuous. Your only fear is finding yourself enclosed in a frightening routine! You don't hesitate using your imagination to preserve the freshness of your couple. You know how to play the role of the lover, the loved one, and the faithful friend. To seduce you, a person must be understanding, respect your taste for mystery and often surprise you. "Surprise me..." is your first commandment.

The Rat in the year of the Horse: the Rat needs focus!
The Rat's formidable character will be sorely tested in the year of the Horse. These two characters are in opposing position on the relationship wheel and therefore the Rat must expect some challenges to her desires and authority in the year of the Horse's reign. If the Rat sticks staunchly to her principles, she may be left holding the fort while everyone else frolics with the playful Horse. As oppositions help us to see another's point of view, the Rat's role in this year is to observe compliance but not to be distracted from her goals.

The diligent Rat's attention to matters of career and finance will not be hampered if she moves along a steady and focused path. The pitfalls to watch for are coercion, false leads and unrealistic expectations. This is a year for the Rat to chart a course, take advantage of opportunities and build a solid foundation for the future. There will be trials and tribulations along the way but these perceived frustrations serve to help the Rat carve her future path with clarity. Financially, this is not a year for the Rat to take risks, therefore, conservative secure investments will prove the wisest.

The honorable Rat will have a difficult time adjusting to the flippant influence the Horse energy brings to her emotional life. Sudden family or home life changes may require the Rat to act quickly to maintain harmony in her nest. In matters of the heart, the Rat should keep her senses alert. Partnered Rats will need extra understanding and space in their relationship all the while observing this is a time for adjustment and growth in their union.

The main characteristic for the Rat to hold tightly to will be her dignity, while use of charming chat will help the clever Rat maneuver romantic events in her desired direction. If the Rat chooses to look at this year as an opportunity to move beyond her boundaries and learn new methods of operation, she will find this conflicting year of the Horse adds an invigorating sparkle to her life.

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology