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Tiger is a born leader - courageous, active, independent and confident. He is dynamic and full of determination and energy. He likes challenges and is prepared to take risks. He is somewhat unconventional and dares to resist authority. Thanks to his multiple charms, he is irresistible and always attracts followers. Tigers make excellent leaders as well as protectors.

Tigers are restless and love freedom. They tend to experience constant changes in their life and are adaptable. They are honest and hate dishonesty or hypocrisy.
Tigers can be selfish in the little things, but they are capable of great generosity in large matters. Emotionally, they are sensitive and loving deep down. As lovers, Tigers are passionate and romantic. Once committed in a relationship, they make caring and warm-hearted partners.

Information taken from The 7th Planet


WINTER is your season.
FEBRUARY is your month.

You have a rage to live and the teeth to sink into a plank of wood. Fortune doesn't motivate you but your desire for passionate adventure and impossible challenges does! Cyrano de Bergerac would almost dim in comparison to someone as high in color as yourself. Nothing stops you, neither eccentricity nor danger. You decide on your course of action through impulse; you listen to your heart more than to your reason. Your fearless enthusiasm motivates others. People would follow you to the end of the earth if only to take part in the wild dreams that you imagine each day to get beyond the reality and routine of every day life. This extravagance goes hand-in-hand with a need to command: you love it when people obey you without a word. Caution to those who don't: they could get badly clawed. Excessive in everything, your behavior betrays the force of your emotions: passion and anger are part of your every day life. If someone tries to put you in a cage, you become crazed and roar loud enough to dislocate your jaw! An insatiable adventurer, you build your life from the hazards and opportunities you encounter, grabbing onto the chances that are offered to you with an almost unconscious audacity. Your fault: You are unpredictable and not very good at making others feel secure.

A charismatic person, you are a leader of men, a maestro, a captain of ships. If you are put into a subordinate job, you die. You need action and independence to give measure to your talents in convincing clients, amassing business affairs, and conquering markets. You make your path in a universe that is wild, anarchic and without hierarchy. Roads that have already been taken don't interest you. You can't conceive of working without passion and refuse to bow down to logic, fixed hours and uniforms. A lord reigns in you!

Savings, security, and organization are abhorrent to you. You love to play the stock market, go to the races, and bet your salary on an even number. Money interests you only to the extent that it can buy you emotional thrills and pleasures. Your generosity is often without limit. You will invest in a new undertaking without hesitation, confident in your luck and intuition. It's true, the risks you take are generally compensated for! You are ready to give your friends a lot of money and in time you will become a magnificent hero who lights up the world.

Your love life is as intrepid and romantic as your life in general. Like a white knight, you have no fear and no reproaches to make. You climb up balconies to save princesses. The first days of passion are fiery and you shine! Completely fickle, you run away as soon as routine is present. If your loved one leaves you, you act like a lord, admitting defeat without bitterness. One love lost is ten more found! To seduce you, a person must be ready for anything, respect your sense of space and liberty, love disorder and adventure and purr with pleasure when your paws become velvet!

The Tiger in the year of the Horse: the Tiger is progressive!
As the energies of the Tiger and the Horse blend well, this year will enable the Tiger to express his spirited nature freely and, as a result, promote favorable progress in all areas of his life. The rhythmic pace of the Horse will help guide the enthusiastic Tiger so he does not fly off with his dreams, as he can tend to do, and instead to work steadily toward achieving his goals. By using forethought and drive the Tiger should reap successful results during the course of this bountiful year.
Positive career moves may bring recognition and awaited financial rewards. The Tiger can expect an increase in income and other financial benefits to enrich his life. Although given the spontaneous influence of the Horse adding to the jubilant attitude of the Tiger, he must take care not to be overly optimistic in his spending or investments or these increased funds may be as easily lost as they are found. In this regard the Tiger may be wise to seek the assistance of an advisor.
The Tiger will also benefit from the Horse's lovable influence in romance, friendships and family relationships. By sharing his warm nature with his family, old and new friends, the Tiger will spread joy in his path and receive many blessings in return. A special friend or family contact may prove to be an excellent advising guide for the Tiger. The friendly relationship between the Tiger and the Horse brings a cheery flow of good fortune to the Tiger's life and this positive feeling encourages his heart to open to explore new emotional experiences.
This openness will bring single Tigers many romantic opportunities resulting in some meeting a partner with whom they will fall in love. Committed Tigers will take pleasure in their partner's contribution to their life inspiring playful romantic moments to enrich their already loving bond. On the whole, the Tiger's family and relationships will benefit from the generous and spirited nature he cannot help but exude throughout this lucky year.

Information taken from Yahoo Chinese Astrology