
Description: Adamite is a blue, blue-green, or yellow-green gemstone.
Uses: Adamite is good for creativity, and business, especially new ventures. It balances the heart and mind, to create an inner strength, and direction. The blue seems best with creative things, and concerns of the mouth, throat, ears, and lymphatic system. Green leans toward the lungs, heart, thymus, and endocrine glands. Entrepreneurs should consider an Adamite "worry rock" for their desks, or creative areas.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart) and Fifth (Throat).

Description: Alexandrite is a clear violet-green, light blue, or orange-yellow iridescent chrysoberyl. The color changes with the angle from which it is viewed. Alexandrite is somewhat rare, and quite beautiful.
Uses: Alexandrite is good for self-esteem, healing, and centering. It may enhance psychic awareness, joy, luck, and the spiritual type of love. Medically, it is helpful for tissue regeneration, especially that of the central nervous system. Also good for the spleen, pancreas, and testicles. Low self-esteem and difficulty in centering oneself is a good indication that Alexandrite is just "what the doctor ordered"!
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), Fourth (Heart), Sixth (Third Eye), and Seventh (Crown).

Description: Amazonite is a solid light blue or turquoise stone.
Uses: A gentle stone, Amazonite is often used for soothing the central nervous system and help those who suffer emotional disturbances. It reduces self destructive behavior and increases self-respect, confidence, grace, self-assuredness, and promotes clearer thinking abilities. It is good for those who may need some help to express themselves more clearly, as it improves self-expression, and artistic creativity. Medically, Amazonite tends to help straighten posture, and is good for ailments involving the throat, thyroid, nerves and brain. Amazonite may also be helpful in regulating metabolism and growth, and in promoting healing in general.
Chakras: Fifth (Throat).

Description Amber is actually fossilized tree resin. It is golden, clear yellow, or orange in color, and usually transparent. Often something, perhaps an unlucky insect, has been caught in the tree sap, before it fossilized. Unlike other crystals, Amber is almost warm to the touch.
Uses:r Amber is Electromagnetically alive. It is hailed as a powerful healing stone with large amounts of organic energy. Used extensively since ancient times, Amber is thought to balance moods, instill confidence, align mental and emotional bodies, and contain the very essence of life itself. Medically, Amber may be used to help with a nervous stomach, throat and respiratory disorders, and problems involving the spine, central nervous system, brain, and memory. May also help with cell regeneration, and detoxification. Amber is used to provide protection from several types of radiation, including x-rays, computers, and the energy of others.
Chakras:r Third (Solar Plexus).

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