Crystals Continued...

Description: A hard, clear, occasionally greasy looking crystal.
Uses: Beryl is good for expanding mental clarity, and intellect, guarding against stupidity and mental disorders. It will help lessen laziness, strengthen will-power and enhance visualization, confidence, and willpower. It has been used to promote energy, as well. Medicinally, it is helpful against heart problems, liver troubles, bowel cancer, swollen glands, eye diseases, hiccoughs, and infections of the stomach, throat, and mouth. It may help stimulate the nervous system, spine, and bones.
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), Fourth (Heart), Fifth (Throat), and Seventh (Crown).


Green Beryl

Red Beryl


(Golden Brown) --Heliodor is good with the mind, bones and nervous system. Especially used with the Third (Solar Plexus), and Sixth (Third Eye) Chakras.
(See Also: Morganite, Emerald, Aquamarine, and Alexandrite.)

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