Crystals Continued...

Description: Calcite comes in several different colors, each with its own unique properties: Yellow (or gold), peach (or orange), green, blue or clear (optical).
Uses: The yellow/gold calcite carries the golden rays of the sun. It is good for healing, cheering depression, and giving comfort. The green calcite is soft and soothing, and helpful in calming anxiety, and turbulent energies. It Expands awareness, aids intuition, and mental clarity, and is helpful when undertaking mental changes. Medicinally, it is good for ailments of the kidneys, spleen, and pancreas. It helps remove toxins from the body. The peach (orange) calcite is an uplifting crystal. It is good for encouraging joy, happiness, and humor. The clear (optical) calcite is a generally cleansing stone. It encourages clearer vision and communication, and general good health. The blue calcite is especially good at easing pain, particularly back pain.
Chakras: Varies depending upon color.

Description: Generally clear, light blue or white crystal.
Uses: Celestite is a gently, quiet crystal. It soothes raw nerves and stress. Quieting to the mind, it helps promote serenity, and harmony. It is also helpful in stimulating creativity, opening the mind, and developing awareness. Medicinally, it may help disorders involving hearing, thyroid, fatigue, central nervous system, and undue stress and worry.
Chakras: Fifth (throat).

Description: White to brown crystal.
Uses: Cerussite is helpful in centering, building confidence, and building good communication skills. It builds psychicness, and helps with clarity. It is also helpful in getting rid of problems such as stress and addictions. It may also help with coordination. It is good for plants, aiding growth and protecting against pests. It is a good all around healing stone.
Chakras: First (Base of Spine), Fifth (Throat), and Seventh (Crown).

Description: A solid, purple stone.
Uses: Charoite lifts emotions, and calms fear. It nurtures inspiration, opens the heart and helps one to see clearly. Medically, it also may help to speed healing.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart), Sixth (Third Eye), and Seventh (Crown).

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