Crystals Continued...

Description: Also called cat's eye, Chrysoberyl is translucent gold or green (although some of the green ones have been irradiated to turn them that color).
Uses: Chrysoberyl helps bring prosperity, and is a good gambling companion. It inspires confidence and self-pride, and reduce depression. It is said to help increase beauty, and preserve youth. It also tends to potentiate other gems. Chrysoberyl is and excellent healing aid.
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), and Seventh (Crown).

Description: Chrysocolla is a solid stone varying in color from light blue to a blue green.
Uses: A gentle, soothing and friendly stone, it helps to heal matters of the heart. It helps with loss, hurt, guilt, fear, self-forgiveness, and peace and promotes flexibility, patience, love, expressing one's feelings, and healing. It improves creativity, and emotional balance. Promotes clairvoyance. Medicinally, it may help draw out pain, and reduce fever and inflammation. It is helpful with disorders of the thyroid, and blood sugar levels. Also helpful with feminine disorders, and in easing labor and delivery. Additionally, it may be helpful in healing traumas.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart), Fifth (Throat).

Description: Citrine is a clear, yellow quartz crystal.
Uses: Citrine is good in aiding mental and emotional clarity. It aids problem solving, memory, willpower, optimism, confidence, and self-discipline. It helps reduce anxiety, fear, and depression. It is carried for protection, and to ward off nightmares. It helps facilitate psychic awareness. Medicinally, it aids digestion, relieves stomach tension, and helps combat food disorders, allergies, and disorders of the spleen, kidneys, liver, urinary tract, and intestines.
Chakras: First (Base of the Spine), and Third (Solar Plexus).

Description: Copper is a red-brown metal.
Uses: An excellent conductor, copper is good for sending and amplifying thoughts, healing, and the energy of other gems. For best results, wear next to skin. Copper helps release resentment, and anger and helps balance the different types of energy in the body. Medicinally, copper is helpful in soothing arthritis, rheumatism and other inflammatory problems. It helps with disorders of the stomach and intestines. It helps one to recover from exhaustion, and improves circulation.
Chakras: All.

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