Crystals Continued...
Description: Sometimes called Fairy Gem, fluorite is naturally occurring calcium fluoride found in a variety of different colors.
Uses: Although not in common use until recently, fluorite is an important healing stone, and a good stone for strengthening mental powers. Fluorite is best at bringing the spiritual into the material, and is said to help manifest one's innermost desires. It enhances clarity and overview, aids the user in perceiving alternate realities, and enhances mental capacity and intellect. Fluorite is considered a good luck piece. Medicinally, fluorite is useful against disorders of the spleen, bones, teeth, and lungs. It is also good for detoxifying. It has been used to reduce anxiety, and as a remedy for insomnia. The clear and purple varieties of fluorite are especially useful for enhancing objectivity, clearing the way for new experiences, and cleansing the aura. They are uplifting, and may help potentiate other gems. Medicinally, purple and clear fluorite are especially useful in improving eyesight, relieving problems associated with the sinuses, and protecting against the common cold. The green variety of fluorite is quieting to the heart and mind. It is excellent for recharging and harmonizing the chakras. Blue fluorite is a soothing stone, best used against disorders of the ears, nose and throat. It is also a good stone to have when facing a Karmic impasse. Yellow fluorite is a focusing gem, which may be used to bring together a group and promote cooperation. Lavender Fluorite (Yttrium) brings peace, serenity, and a relaxing sense of well-being. A cluster of fluorite placed on your desk, or at your work station is a great stress buster. Fluorite is an excellent stone to place in an aquarium-in addition to it's magickal properties, it provides needed minerals. To charge your fluorite, place it on a window sill at night, and let the moonlight fall on it.
Chakras: All, according to color. Most powerful with Fourth (Heart), Fifth (Throat), and Sixth (Third Eye).
Description: Also called Muscovite, fuchsite is a flaky, light green, mica-like stone.
Uses: Fuchsite is thought to promote light heartedness, friendliness, and compassion. Medicinally, it tends to speed the healing process, and help improve the immune system.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart).
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