Crystals Continued...
The Garnet Group of Crystals

Description: Almandine is the most common variety of garnet. It is red to brown in color with just a touch of purple.
Uses: Cut and polished garnet is the best for magickal uses, and the gem may be worn, or used. Almandine is frequently used for warming and energizing the body and mind. It may be used for stimulating passion, stamina, confidence, and persistence. It is also good for grounding oneself. Used since ancient times, red garnets, such as almandine, are thought to bring protection through one's aura. Medicinally, it can be used for exhaustion, low blood pressure, strengthening the blood and muscles, and against disorders of the kidneys. It can be used to stimulate a hormonal balance and the production of antibodies. It can also be used for detoxifying and gallstones. Historically, garnets were once exchanged by friends when they parted, to ensure they would meet again.
Chakras: First (Base of the Spine).

Description: Andradite is another type of garnet which comes in different colors, and different varieties.
Uses: The same as the rest of the garnet family, except the uses of andradite should vary according to color. Generally, this variety is not used for healing.
Chakras: First (Base of the Spine), Second (Spleen), and Fourth (Heart).


Demantoid (Green)

Melanite (Black)

Topazolite (Yellow)

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