Crystals Continued...

Description: Spessartine is typically orange, though colors may vary from red-brown to brown to pink and yellow.
Uses: The same as for the rest of the garnet family, but especially good for protection against bad dreams, depression, and anger. Also commonly used to raise self-esteem. Medicinally, spessartine may be used to ward off hemorrhages, hormonal imbalances, inflammations, and STD's.
Chakras: According to color, but especially Second (Spleen)

Description: Uvarovite is a green garnet.
Uses: Uvarovite's unique color appears to set it apart from the rest of the garnet family, but this is not the case. The uses of this gem are consistent, with obvious allowances for the color.
Chakras: First (Base of the Spine), and Fourth (Heart)

Description: Gold is a soft, malleable, elemental metal frequently used for jewelry. It is available in three colors: yellow (most common), pink (some copper content), and white.
Uses: Gold is an excellent conductor of energy. As such it is used to amplify other stones. The yellow variety reflects the warmth and golden energy of the sun. It is good for attracting prosperity, and storing and amplifying energy, thoughts, and emotions. Medicinally, it is good for strengthening the nervous system, and the digestive system. The pink variety has a warmer, more loving feel, which reflects a certain amount of spirituality. The white variety reflects both the warmth and energy of the sun, and the cool energy of the moon, creating and even more powerful amplification effect.
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), Fourth (Heart), and Seventh (Crown).

Description: A naturally occurring ferric oxide. Hematite is very heavy, very cold, and more resembles metal than crystal.
Uses: An unusual and powerful stone, hematite is projective, grounding, and healing. It helps promote clarity of mind, reducing scattered, fuzzy thoughts into crystal clarity. It improves concentration, memory, and practicality. It is a good study aid, and a good bookkeeping companion. It improves confidence, will power, attention to detail, and boldness. Hematite should be worn as an amulet to obtain favorable legal judgments. It is said that if you hold a piece of hematite and ask a question, the answer will come to you. Medically, it is used to guard against disorders of the spleen, and blood. It is a good stone to have if you are recovering from jet lag, stress, a fever, birth, or anesthesia. With it's high iron content, hematite is good for blood disorders, and helps encourage coagulation. It is thought to strengthen the heart, and is often used to reduce a rapid pulse.
Chakras: First (Base of the Spine), Second (Spleen), and Third (Solar Plexus).

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