Crystals Continued...

Description: A metallic, iridescent, multi-colored stone.
Uses: Labradorite is thought to brings out the strengths in a person, and helps us relate to others. It promotes better sleep. Labradorite is fragile-do not attempt to cleanse it with salt.
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), Fifth (Throat), and Sixth (Third Eye).

Description: A solid stone, which is lavender to light pink in color. Contains lithium and mica.
Uses: Lepidolite is a gentle, calming and relaxing stone. It smoothes emotional peaks, relieves stress, mood swings, worry, and addictions. It lessens one's tendency towards self-criticism. It imparts hope, relief, self-love, patience, gentleness, self-forgiveness, emotional balance, and a general sense of well-being. Medicinally, it should be used for improving glandular activity, immune system, and skin conditions. It has also been used to treat schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorders, and anxiety. Lepidolite is a fragile stone which should not be cleansed with saltwater. Best used in it's naturally occurring form.
Chakras: Second (Spleen), Third (Solar Plexus), Fourth (Heart), and Sixth (Third Eye).

Description: Malachite is a green copper carbonate.
Uses: Malachite raises the spirits and generates happiness, and hope. It may also improve health. It attracts prosperity. It assists wise rule, and removes the mental blocks which hinder spiritual growth. It also helps alleviate confusion, insecurity, and lack of purpose, and improves concentration. Malachite absorbs negative energy, including radiation. Medicinally, it is used to treat rheumatism, pain, inflammation, depression, MS, asthma, toothache, and congestion. It is thought to be useful against disorders of the stomach, liver, lungs, nerves, spleen, pancreas, and immune system. It improves eyesight, and circulation, and regulates menstruation. Especially powerful healer when used in conjunction with azurite or chrysocolla. Malachite is sometimes called a magic stone, and is favorable for travelers, missionaries, and other adventurers. As a talisman for a child, Malachite will promote sound sleep, and bring protection from nightmares. Malachite should be cleaned often.
Chakras: Third (Solar Plexus), and Fourth (Heart).

Description: Glassy, translucent green tektite with dull finish, and brilliant interior.
Uses: Moldavite is used to expand one's psychicness, and ability to channel. Used in conjunction with the Fourth (Heart) Chakra, it may help ease suicidal ideation. Used in conjunction with Sixth (Third Eye) and Seventh (Crown) Chakras, it increases connection to and conscious communication with higher powers. It also helps one to understand one's own true purpose in life. Simply put, Moldavite is a stone for transformation. Medicinally, it may be used to treat epilepsy, brain imbalances and malfunctions, autism, and conditions caused by excessive sensitivity. The interesting thing about Moldavite is that the smaller the piece used, the more powerful it seems to be.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart), Sixth (Third Eye), and Seventh (Crown).

Description: The pink variety of beryl. Translucent to clear, pastel pink to violet in color.
Uses: Morganite inspires spiritual love, compassion, equality, empathy and patience. Medicinally, it can be used to treat disorders of the heart, lungs, larynx, thyroid, nervous system, and muscle tissues.
Chakras: Fourth (Heart), and Seventh (Crown).

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