Dowsing has been used for centuries as a method for finding water, treasures, gold, metals, people, animals and to tell the past and the future. In fact dowsing has been used for nearly 7,000 years and probably even longer.
It was used by both the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. In the middle ages it was used in Europe to find coal deposits and water.
In the 20th century dowsing has been used in archeological and geological work, and by utility companies in locating damaged pipes and cables.
The traditional tool of the dowser is a forked rod made of wood. Certain wood such as Hazel, Willow, Ash and Rowan are the best.
Many dowsers prefer to work with a pendulum on a string. The dowser attunes themself to what is being sought usually through visualization.
The dowser holds the forked end of the rod making sure palms are turned upwards. The dowser walks until the rod trembles and dips down marking the spot.
In the case of dowsing with a pendulum the dowser hangs the pendulum over a map.
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