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1/35 soldierPart of a set of 12
8inch CannonHeavy special damage
Antarctic WindCasts 'Ice 2'
Autographno known purpose
Bird FeatherInflicts wind damage
Bolt PlumeCasts 'Bolt 2'
CauldronCasts 'Smelly Breath'
CornucopiaCures 'Minimum' status
DazersCauses 'Paralysis'
Dragon FangCauses lightning damage
Dragon ScalesCasts 'Aqua Breath'
Dream PowderCasts 'Sleepel'
Earth DrumCasts 'Quake 2'
Earth MalletCassts 'Quake 3'
Echo ScreenCures 'Sleepel' status
Eye DropCures 'Dark' status
Fight Diaryno known purpose
Fire FangCasts 'Fire 2'
Fire VeilCasts 'Fire 3'
Gamblerno known purpose
Ghost HandGain MP stolen from target
GraviballCasts 'Demi'
GrenadeMinor special damage
Hazardous WasteCasts 'Bio 2'
Hero DrinkCasts 'Mighty Guard'
Holy TorchCasts 'Dispel'
HourglassCasts 'Stop'
Ice CrystalCasts 'Ice 3'
ImpalerCasts 'Toad'
InkCauses 'Dark'
Kiss of DeathCauses 'Death'
Light CurtainCasts 'Barrier'
Loco WeedCasts 'Confuse'
Lunar CurtainCasts 'MBarrier'
M-TentaclesCasts 'Bio 3'
Masamune Bladeno known purpose
MirrorCasts 'Reflect'
MolotovCauses fire damage
Mute MaskCasts 'Silence'
Right ArmHeavy special damage
S-mineMedium special damage
ShrapnelMedium fire damage
ShrivelCasts 'Minimum'
Smoke BombEscape from battle if used on allies or enemies
Speed DrinkCasts 'Haste'
Spider WebCasts 'Slow
StardustCasts 'Comet 2'
Super Sweeperno known purpose
Swift BoltCasts 'Bolt 3'
T/S BombCasts 'Demi 2'
TissueThis one is a little tough...(no known use)
Vagyrisk ClawCauses 'Petrify'
Vampire FangGain HP stolen from target
War GongCasts 'Berserk'

Items Needed for Chocobos

Cureil GreensRaises stamina
Gysahl GreensRaises stamina
Krakka GreensRaises Kashiisa
Mimett GreensUsed to gain Contain Materia and to learn Chocobuckle
Pahsana GreensRaises Kashiisa
Reagan GreensRaises stamina
Sylkis GreensRaises speed, stamina, and Kashiisa
Tantal GreensRaises stamina and Kashiisa

Carob NutRiver, Mountain, or Ocean Chocobo
Lasan Nut------
Luchile Nut------
Pipio Nut------
Porov Nut------
Pram Nut------
Saraha Nut------
Zeio NutGold Chocobo

Final Limit Breaks

All CreationYuffie
Cosmo MemoryRed XIII
Final HeavenTifa
Great GospelAeris

Curing HP, MP, and status ailments

AntidoteCures 'Poison' status
ElixirRestores all lost HP & MP to one character
EtherRestores 100 MP
Hi-PotionRestores 500 HP
HyperCauses 'Fury' status, cures 'Sadness' status
Maiden’s KissCures 'Toad' status
Megalixir Restores all lost HP & MP to all characters
Phoenix DownRestores life & 1/10 HP
PotionRestores 100 HP
RemedyCures any status ailment
SoftCures 'Petrify' status
TentRestores all HP & MP to all characters (only usable on world map or at save points)
TranquilizerCauses 'Sadness' status, cures 'Fury' status
Turbo EtherRestores all lost MP to one character
VaccinePrevents status ailments
X-PotionRestores all lost HP to one character

Special Items

NameTraded For
Desert RoseGold Chocobo
Earth HarpMaster Materias
Guide BookUnderwater Materia

NameUsed to...
Guard SourceRaises Vitality by 1 point
Luck SourceRaises Luck by 1 point
Magic SourceRaises Magic by 1 point
Mind SourceRaises Spirit by 1 point
Power SourceRaises Strength by 1 point
Speed SourceRaises Dexterity by 1 point

Batteryused in Midgar to get to the Upper Plate
Save CrystalUsed in North Cave to save (can only be used once)