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Wall Market

Find: 1 Ether, 1 Phoenix down &/or Hyper

Go up the wood bridge and across the metal grate. Run to the pink beam and run down it, and through the metal pipe. Run left and up to the wood plank which is to the right of the crane. Run up the plank, down the wood bridge, and up to the next screen. Talk to Aeris, follow her until she stops, then talk again. After Tifa rides past, follow her to the Wall Market. Sleep at the Inn if you want.
Now go to that place on the right, the one the guy in the white shirt is too embarrassed to say. Talk to the chubby guy in the vest that's talking to the bouncer. Ask him about Tifa. Now go back left and all the way north three screens until you reach a mansion. Talk to the guard here, and Aeris will suggest that you should dress like a girl to get in. Now go back to the first screen and talk to the guy in the white shirt on the right side of the screen. He will give you his Member Card to the club.
Enter the club; pick one of the rooms on the left, the bottom one to get the Bikini Briefs, or the top one to get the Lingerie. You can also peek into the rooms on the right, or go into the top room to have makeup put on you.
Now go to the clothing store and talk to the girl behind the counter. She explains that her father is "plastered at the bar". It’s the building with the mat outside that says "IN". To get to the bar, go up a screen and talk to the man sitting on the right side by himself. He will ask you two questions, answer him and return to the clothing store. He will give you a dress, based on your answers to his two questions. If you answered the first question with the first choice, you get a Cotton Dress. If you answered with the second choice, then the first, you get a Satin Dress, and if you answered the second choice, then the second, you get the Silk Dress.
Go to the artifact shop on the first screen and talk to the man. Then go sleep at the Inn. In the middle of the night, you wake up which is when you can buy an item and return it to the man. If you get the 200 gil item, you get the Diamond Tiara, if you pick the 100 gil item, you get the Ruby Tiara, and if you pick the 50 gil item, you get the Glass Tiara.
Go to the sushi bar and sit down. Make sure you have more than 70 gil, and eat one thing you want. When the guy asks you how you like it, tell him the middle option. He will give you an Item Coupon. Take the Item Coupon to the store beside it and exchange it. You can get: Disinfectant, Deodorant, or Digestive. Go to the bar and talk to the person standing outside the bathroom. He's really got to go. Go to the bathroom door and talk to the person inside, and give them the item you got at the store. In return, they will give you an item: Cologne for the Disinfectant, Flower Cologne for the Deodorant, and Sexy Cologne for the Digestive.
Go to the gym (second screen, bottom left building, south of the weapon shop) and talk with the person by the ring. Here you will have a squat contest. Press , , in that order, over and over again. If you do more squats than the other guy, you get the Blonde Wig. If you tie, you get the Dyed Wig, and if you lose, you just get the plain old Wig.
After getting a Wig, return to the clothing store and try on your dress. Then head to the mansion and talk to the man outside in order to be let in. Go upstairs and to the room on the left. This is where you find Tifa. Aeris and Tifa have an uncomfortable moment. After the talking is done, before running upstairs, get the Ether by the fire. Go upstairs and in the middle door. Don Corneo will pick either Cloud, Tifa, or Aeris. He picks based on the items you got.
If Cloud was NOT picked, you'll end up in a room with a bunch of guys. Get the Phoenix Down in the lower right, then fight the guys. Save Aeris or Tifa from the Torture Chamber, and bust in the middle door. Next, you talk to him, rather, threaten to rip his nads off. After this, search behind the bed for a hyper and go stand by the ladies. Don Corneo talks again, pick any one of the three options to fall into the sewer.
If Cloud was picked, search behind the bed for a Hyper. Talk to Don. The girls bust in, and make threats. Talk to him, and pick any of the three options, and into the sewers you go.