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Cargo Ship

Find: 1 Ether, All Materia, Wind Slash, Summon Ifrit Materia, 1 Power Source, Motor Drive, & Fire Ring.

Run left to the chest, which contains an Ether. Also, on the right, between the crates, is an All Materia. If Yuffie is already in your party, she will be blocking the path to the All Materia. Either give her a Tranquilizer or wait until later when she moves out of the way. Talk to the guard who is walking around on the left. It's Aeris and then go upstairs. Talk to the sailor in white who is walking around. Pick the second option and he will sell Potions and Phoenix Downs to you. Climb up the rope ladder in order to talk to Tifa. Once back on the main deck, head left and climb the ladder. Here you can talk to Red XIII, who seems to be having a problem with his uniform and there is a save point.

Return downstairs to the cargo hold and talk to Aeris again. Then go back upstairs and head to the front of the ship. Talk to Barret twice, then head back to the main deck and talk to your friends. Pick your party, then go prepare to fight. Go downstairs and here will be a chance to get the All Materia. Now head to the room that previously was guarded. Climb the ladder on the left, run around to the right, and get the chest with the Wind Slash. Climb back down and talk to the guard in red by the other end of the room. Sephiroth leaves you to fight the first mutation of Jenova.

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After the battle, you can have Cloud explain what's going on. When your friends leave, do not follow them till after you grab the Summon Ifrit Materia. Now exit the room and you'll now be at Costa Del Sol. Go to the right and up the stairs to the town. In the mean time, another action scene happens with Rufus and Heidegger.

Go right in the first door with the words "Costa Del Sol" near it. Find the stairs leading down (in the back right), and get the Power Source, the Motor Drive, and the Fire Ring. Go back up and out of the house.

Next, go to the bar and talk to the guy in the lower left to buy some good stuff. Then exit and go to the right. You can kick the soccer ball at Red XIII if he's not in your party. Talk to Butch (the guy selling stuff out of his van) to buy some good Materia. Yuffie is helping Butch with sales part-time (if you already found her). Then buy items over on the right.

Go down to the beach and talk to Aeris. You'll meet Hojo and talk about some things. Then follow Aeris to the Inn and talk some more.

Now go back to the world map and save. Either build up cash to buy the expensive Materia and Armor, or make your way west to the cave.