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Mt. Corel/Corel Valley

Find: Star Pendant, Wizard Staff, W Machine Gun, 1 Turbo Ether, Transform Materia, 10 Phoenix Downs, 1 Power Source, 1 Mind Source, & 1 Tent.

Walk along the coast and then climb on top of that cliff that you are facing. Walk up towards the mountains and find the road that goes into them. Follow the road to the other side, and enter the cave on your left.

Climb and if you want talk to the man halfway up, then climb some more. Climb again on the next screen, and you are at the North Corel reactor. Climb down the stairs to the reactor. Run around the railing, and climb down more stairs. Run right and follow the train tracks. Save here if you wish, then proceed to the right. Your party will automatically jump over the holes in the tracks. Take the top path when you have the chance. You will encounter a weak section of bridge. When you fall through the hole in the tracks, and hold or and hit as fast as you can. If you fall right, you get a Star Pendant. Fall left to get the Wizard Staff. Climb back up, and get the W Machine Gun. Run to where the tracks meet, then head back left. You will fall through the tracks again, this time fall the opposite direction you did last time and get the other item. Continue right and then go left to the top tracks and get the Turbo Ether and the Transform Materia. Take the top tracks all the way right and over to the next screen.

Keep going right to the little shed. Turn the lever to move the bridge. Before going back left, go right to where you hear birds chirping. Climb up the wall to a bird nest. There are 10 Phoenix Downs here. You can choose whether to take them or leave them. If you take them, you will have to kill the birds' mother, a Cokatolis. Now go back left and take the bottom tracks to meet your friends. Follow the tracks left and down. Run to the water, then all the way right to find a hidden room. Talk to the man here, and then get the Power Source, Mind Source, and Tent. Go back up and take the tracks to the right. On the next screen, take the large bridge to the front and enter Corel.

The weapons and items here are nothing great, but you can sleep in the Inn for only 50gil, up in the top, left corner. Exit to the world map if you'd like to save (because it costs money to save at the gold saucer), also get some gil (you need at least 3000, 30000 for an unlimited pass), otherwise go to where the sign says "Gold Saucer". Listen to Barret's flashback, then get in the Ropeway and go on up to the Gold Saucer.