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Icicle Inn

Find: 1 X-Potion, 1 Turbo Ether, 1 Vaccine, 1 Hero Drink, 1 Mind Source, 1 Potion, All Materia, Summon Alexander Materia, 1 Elixir, Safety Bit, & Added Cut.

Head west around the mountains to Icicle Inn. Buy some incredibly powerful weapons and get some rest. While at the Inn, go upstairs and to the window. Search here for an X-Potion. Talk to the guy way in the back of the town, past the houses, and pick the top option. The Turks show up. When they run up to you, talk how you'd like, then avoid Elena's hit by hitting or . If you get hit, you wake up in a house. If not, then Elena goes rolling down the snowboard hill.

Either way, go into the house to the left of the Inn and talk to the woman. Then talk to the boy in back and take the Snowboard. Leave and go into the house to your left. Go downstairs and get the Turbo Ether. You can also look up the story of Dr. Gast and Ifalna, Aeris's parents, on the computer upstairs. Exit and go into the house to the far right. Get the Vaccine and Hero Drink from the room in the upper left, then grab the Glacier Map off the wall.

Save on the World Map, then go to the snowboard hill in the back of town. Hop on and go. The game will explain the instructions if you ask the man at the top of the hill.

Depending on which path you took, you will end up at a particular place on the Glacier Map (view it with the button). You wake up in the snow. Anyway, your main goal is to locate yourself on the map and then navigate from there. Oh yeah, and if you take too long, you freeze, go unconscious, and wake up at the cabin anyway.

Where you wake up depends on which snowboarding path you took...

  1. Forest - Left path, then left path.
  2. Entrance - Left path, then right path.
  3. Big Tree - Right path, then left path.
  4. Cave - Right path, then right path.

If you take the left path twice, you end up in the Forest (this is the fastest way to get all the items). Search near the upper right behind the trees for a Mind Source. Go two screens to the right to reach the Frozen Lake. Get the Potion out on the ice. If you go up and to the left, you reach a pond with floating ice chunks. You must jump on them in a specific order to cross. The order is: Jump up from the starting point, then right, up, up, right, up, left, up, right, and up to the other side. Enter the cave and get a Safety Bit. Or, keep going up and right from the Frozen Lake to reach an intersection with four path choices - the Mountain Crossroads. Choose the upper right path. On the second screen after the intersection, about midway up the screen, is the Added Cut materia. Continue on to the Hot Springs. Touch the water on the left side by going to the spot that juts out and hitting CIRCLE. After making sure you touched it, go north into the snow field. By now, you should be about ready to pass out from hypothermia, so enter the cave to the north, get the All materia, and keep going north across the snow field to the shack.

When you get to the shack, talk to the old man to hear his story. You rest, then you should save. Either head out to get more items, or head to the mountain. If you decide to go item-hunting, head southeast across the snow field until you leave it, then go three screens right, and then right over into the cave. Talk to Snow, and since you touched the hot springs, you will fight her.


Snow gives you the Summon Alexander Materia. Return to the shack and rest and save. Now go southwest across the snow field until you leave, then go two screens left to Head Rock. Exit to the left, and go two screens left to the Snow Mounds. Enter the cave, get the Elixir, and return to the shack again.