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Find: Oritsuru & Steal as Well Materia.

Please note that you do not have to do this section and if you wish to, you can do it at any time. You can continue on to the Sunken Plane, Rocket Town, or even go back to Cosmo Canyon (if you have not done them yet).

Fly to Wutai. Head to the big stone statues in the back right corner. Walk up and take the path up and right. Wind up and around the big head. When you reach a fork in the path, enter the cave nearby. Search the each fire pit inside twice. The first gives you a chest with the Oritsuru, and the second, the Steal As Well Materia. You can only do this if you got the Leviathan Scales during the submarine section.

Also, get the Death Force Enemy Skill from the Adamantais on the beach, and Magic Hammer from the Razor Weeds around Wutai.