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Midgar Revisited

Find: 3 Elixirs, 1 Megalixir, Aegis Armlet, Starlight Phone, Max Ray, 1 Power Source, 1 Guard Source, 1 Magic Source, 1 Mind Source, W-Item Materia, Pile Banger, Master Fist, HP Shout, Mystile, & Missing Score.

Fly back to Midgar and form a party. You parachute into the city (during which, I might add, you can do tricks by hitting the different directions on the D-pad). Once you land, follow everyone into the alley. Save, then talk to the person standing on the metal plate to go down into Midgar.

Climb down the ladder. Run around up and right, past the fence, and follow the path until you reach two horizontal pipes. Follow them left to get an Elixir. Follow them right for a Megalixir. Return to the first ladder that you climbed down. Run down the stairs here, climb down the ladder, and exit.

On the next screen, run to the ladder on the left, and climb it to get an Aegis Armlet from the chest. Climb back down the ladder and run to the right. The ground gives way beneath you. Run left to the pipe, then climb the ladder up. Climb the next one, too. Run to the right and enter the duct. It drops you near two chests, open then for a Starlight Phone and an Elixir.

Climb down either ladder and enter the duct on the right. Go left and climb the ladder. Open the chest on the left for the Max Ray. Go all the way back up near the chest with the Starlight Phone and climb the stairs. Save and enter the air duct. Climb through it to the subway tracks. Head towards the screen. Go down six or seven screens, until you reach a junction that has a chest laying on the left side. Open it for a Power Source.

Go down two more screens for a chest with a Guard Source. Talk to the party member here. The person tells you that you are going the wrong way. Keep going down, and two screens later get the Magic Source and the Mind Source. Go down again for a save point and the W-Item Materia! Anyway, it's a dead end, so go ALL the way back up to the screen with the ladder. Go up from here to meet the Turks. You can choose to fight or not. If you do...


The Turks get harder every time. Fire cures Rude, Ice cures Reno, and Bolt cures Elena. Cast Big Guard right away. Poison them early on, too. Use your most powerful non-elemental magic attacks, like Ultima and Comet. Non-elemental Summons and Enemy Skills also work well. Try to steal the Touph Ring, Ziedrich, and Minerva Band.


Run to the top of the screen, then take the right path. Continue up, then take the left path to the dead end. Climb up the ladder to get to Shinra Headquarters. Go in. Read the Turtle's Paradise Flyer No. 2 here if you haven't already; this is your last chance. Go up the stairs and in the glass doors marked ACCESSORIES. Get the chests here, they contain a Pile Banger and a Master Fist.

Go up to the 64th floor. Remember how you couldn't get the HP Shout from the locker before? Well now you can. Get it and head back out to the subway. Go down two screens, to the second junction you come to. This time, take the left path and you end up in the streets of Midgar. Climb the beam, then run north up the street. The Proud Clod, (It should be Proud Cloud and Jammer Armor) piloted by Heidegger and Scarlet, comes and attacks.

Proud ClodJamar Armor

Use your strongest attacks, Summons, and Enemy Skills. Cure after his large chest laser. Other than that, it's just like any other fight. Destroy the Jamar Armor first, so it doesn't use its Materia Jammer to disable your Materia.


The Proud Clod explodes, killing Heidegger and Scarlet. It starts to rain. Walk north up the road. Get the Elixir and Mystile from the chests on the right, then save. Climb the ladders to the second level. Assuming you have Barret in your party, a green chest will be here. Get it, it's his ultimate weapon, the Missing Score. Climb some more and meet Hojo. You find that he is Sephiroth's father, and that Hojo injected Jenova cells into himself.

HojoPoodle SampleBad Rap Sample

Hojo uses Capsule and spawns the Poodler Sample and the Bad Rap Sample. Kill Hojo off, ignore the samples. When he dies, they go away. Use physical attacks to kill him. He then turns into...

Helletic HojoRight ArmLeft Arm

Attack Helletic Hojo with physical and light magic attacks, but ignore the arms. Cure if needed. He then turns into...

Lifeform-Hojo NA

Use your strongest Summons and magic on this monstrosity. Be careful of his ability to slow, silence, blind, and otherwise mess up your party. Cure and heal often. Just attack with everything into this form.

25,0002,5006,000Power Source

Cloud tells everyone to go home and find their reason for fighting. He says that if they don't want to come back, they don't have to. Tifa stays behind, and Cloud and her have a romantic scene. Everyone comes back. Cid flies the now rocket-powered Highwind to the Northern Crater.

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