Can you hear me, can you see me?
Can you feel me, can you taste me?
I am invisible to you, to everyone
I watch you quiver in fear,
I saw you, I laughed at you,
You have been beaten, you have been abused,
You created me, you left me to die,
Now you will pay the price,
Where will you go now?
Can you hear me, can you see me?
Can you feel me, can you taste me?
You can't hear me, you can't see me,
You can't feel me, you can't taste me.
Praise me, worship me, love me.
Follow me, don't ask me any questions
I am the right way, I am the wrong way.
I am love, I am hate, I am giving, I am stealing,
I am everything and I am nothing.
Can you hear me, can you see me?
Can you feel me, can you taste me?

© Cassie Fouts

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