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I am who I am
Not who you want me to be
It doesn’t matter if I’m fat or thin
Tall or short, smart or not
I think I’m pretty,
Perfect in my own way

I won’t change; Not for the world
Not for anyone but myself
I’ll age with dignity
With respect for who I am
For who I was and always will be
It doesn’t matter what you may think
Or even what you say

I am who I am
Not who you want me to be
It doesn’t matter if I have short hair or long
I can have it brown, red, or blonde
Or any color I wish
I think I’m pretty
Perfect in my own way

I’ll age with dignity
With respect for who I am
For who I was and always will be
It doesn’t matter what you think
Or even what you say

I am who I am
Not who you want me to be
It doesn’t matter if look like the models on TV
Or the ones in the magazines
I may not be perfect by society’s standards
But I think I’m pretty
Perfect in my own way

I’ll age with dignity
With respect for who I am
For who I was and always will be

© Cassie Fouts
November 13, 2004